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Ridgewood Board of Education Appoints Board President’s Significant Other as Ridgewood BOE Secretary


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, several readers have raised concerns that during the recent Ridgewood Board of Education meeting on July 24, the Ridgewood Board of Education made a significant decision to appoint the partner of the board president as a secretary.

It’s worth mentioning that Board President Lembo abstained from the vote, while his fellow Board of Education members , BOE Vice President Hyunju Kwak,  BOE members Saurabh Dani,  Muhammad Mahmoud Sheila Brogan supported this appointment.

The vote is shown here at 39 minute mark –

Qualifications are a bit subjective. But this “family member” was earlier appointed as substitute teacher in the district after Mr. Lembo was elected. Teachers and secretaries have different qualifications.

But most important is that this position is a confidential secretary in the Board of Education office. Giving this position to a board president’s partner with no prior experience – and with no advertising just seems wrong on behalf of the BOE majority.

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63 thoughts on “Ridgewood Board of Education Appoints Board President’s Significant Other as Ridgewood BOE Secretary

  1. Does Mr. Lembo even live in Ridgewood? Ms. Vanzile’s official voter registration record indicates she resides in Westwood. What address did Mr. Lembo provide to the Bergen County Board of Elections?

    1. creeper much? You looked up her voter records?

    2. you are lucky you are anonymous. You look people up for fun, yet hide behind your keyboard in the basement. This may be the most frightening comment I’ve ever seen here. Something tells me you live alone….

      1. says an anonymous poster

  2. It’s not what you know, it’s who you’re sleeping with. Always been that way in the school district. I remember years ago a former Hawes principal was banging the Assistant Superintendent. And wasn’t there a boyfriend/girlfriend principal/teacher relationship at RHS back in the days? They eventually got married, I think.

  3. Surprised that Dani and Kwak were fine with this.

    1. The whole board was because it is a substitute certification renewal. They ask for them at every meeting. I am proud someone stepped up!

  4. Not a good look….

    1. confused on what is wrong here. The article is very misleading

  5. The girlfriend was appointed earlier as substitute teacher and now BOE secretary? Well done President Lembo and his supporters on the board!

    1. still a sub, look at the agenda! Im sure the $150 a day is what people are fighting over. This is ridiculous

      1. It starts with $150 a day with the eventual goal to get a permanent position in the district. Mark my words. I will be following every agenda now before it’s voted on to see how soon she’s appointed as a permanent staff.
        Why was this position not posted for a regular appointment and why was president’s girlfriend appointed as a sub?

  6. We have to vote Lembo out. Unscrupulous unethical

    1. There is nothing wrong here. Unlike Kwak and Dani who have been unethical the entire time. What here is unethical??

      1. lol, very ture. So as I say, not as I do…

    2. What is unethical here? He is the only one there that has any ethics or integrity.

      1. Not true, he no better than the rest of them.

  7. And why are you surprised? Lembo is a union hack whose family has made a living off of Ridgewood taxpayers. He is a complete mooch. No surprise here.

    1. he works for the town, do you want him to work for free? This comment is hilarious and so blindsided, let me guess where you live…

      also the free volunteer board position is a fulltime job, so we, the taxpayers, are making out huge on his deal.

    2. If you know anything about either of those families, you would eat your words. Both have given their lives for this village for generations. We owe them.

      1. which families are we referring to here?

      2. And they have been living fat off our largesse.

  8. This is utterly disgraceful. Vote Lembo out.

  9. Were the new superintendent and new HR manager not paying attention when they recommended this appointment to the board?
    Nepotism must be stopped when hiring.

  10. This is exactly why no one pays attention to this blog. James go over your facts. The position is for a substitute. Which the district has been begging for. Kudos for people stepping up.

    1. off from work release today?

  11. This whole thing smells of Dani scared. Don’t forget his ethics violations.

  12. This “article” is just mudslinging trash. Watch the video and look at the agenda. It is for a substitute certification that anyone can (and should!) get. I applaud him for getting the public to step up and serve. That is a true leader unlike the wacko kwako and dumbo dani that we have to deal with. Hes got my vote.

  13. I am so confused. A substitute position was filled by a few people who are elgible. The position was not created and hardly pays the big bucks here. The board voted and it was approved. No one had an issue and it was all done by the book. Lembo recused himself to be removed from the vote (even though I don’t think he needs to). He had nothing to do with it and it still was passed. Anyone can be a substitute. I am sure she is amazing, but I see nothing wrong here. Everyone can look at the open positions and apply. Basically everyone qualifies to be a substitute. This is a stretch by every single mean and just classic bullying. Guess the bullies are scared that their majority is on the line.

  14. Since when do we single out residents, teachers, and faculty? I think the blog crossed the line there. Elected Officials is one things, but civilians? This has ick all over it.

  15. “several readers” haha this is off to a great start. You mean one person who is also running against him in the fall. I am not a smart person, but this rambling makes no sense. The board voted on a measure for a substitute. Everything else is inferred and I am sure completely baseless. How does the blog have any of this “inside information”? Exactly! There is no proof of anything here.

  16. folks trying reading the post , before you comment

  17. Village ki$$ a$$ are at it again

  18. to steal a line , Ridgewood cuc-boys go wild

  19. apparently reading comprehension has become a thing of the past in Ridgewood

  20. she was given the sub job already , now she is the BOE secretary , what could possibly go wrong with that ?

    1. not sure where it says that.

  21. teachers union hacks all over this

  22. sooo I am trying to follow this. Says that someone was appointed as a secretary by the board. I do not see that on the agenda posted. I see substitutes listed where we are directed. I hardly think this is “significant” since they are on all agendas. (fact check false, wrong positions and not as listed)

    next paragraph we see that the whole board vote with the president abstaining. I went to the link provided and see that the board president recused himself. That does not mean he voted for or against. He also did not abstain as mentioned. (fact check false, If you are following we are at 2 Pinocchio’s, since it was not abstaining)

    Next we are told that teachers and secretaries have different qualifications. I agree, but I am also confused since it is a substitute position, the bar is pretty low there. I also do not know of this persons qualifications, therefore seems the blog has insider information? (I also think you don’t call them that anymore, isn’t it administrative assistant?) (Fact check false, we have no idea of the qualifications, but we do have them of a substitute)

    Last paragraph is that it is a “confidential secretary”. Where does it say this? I do not find it anywhere, so either its a lie or someone inside said something. The district can fill with subs where they see fit. (I will also mark this is false since again this is not stated ever anywhere.)

    The end has gibberish with the poor girls name just to rub salt in the wounds. This is a low blow even for the blog. I have no idea about love lives of individuals and wonder why it is of anyone’s concern, but I get it. If something was done improperly it would be an issue, but again do not see it. (the one commentor who looked her up is especially odd, do you look up other girls and their addresses, weirdo?)

    So I award this post 5 Pinocchio’s, or completely false/misleading. This is utter garbage and You should not believe a single word. If you don’t believe me, go back and reread and make an educated decision as I have. This is clearly an attack on a public servant and an innocent civilian for political gains.

    1. If you cannot read the agenda you should not have been appointed to this position.

  23. the BOE is going full sleaze bag

    1. there are few of those running. we need to right the ship. Lembo/Micale are the only two I’d trust.

      1. brown noiser: To give someone excessive praise and compliments in order to gain that person’s favor.

        This expression has a negative connotation. Someone who does a lot of brown nosing is called a brown noser.

  24. the fact that people are making over the top defense of Lembo makes me even more suspicious, why not just say the women is very qualified ????

  25. some of you need to come out of the closet

  26. a lot of you don’t realize how nice of a town this used to be , the blog said it once Ridgewood went from the town to a town , it has become a corrupt dump like the rest of New Jersey

    1. That’s the thing. This town had a great and just reputation, now it is only running on hype but it may last as long as there is high demand by NYC rich ret@rds to move here.

  27. the anti Dani and Kwak comments are clearly racist , the only two on the BOE who can add , and two who earned their way into Ridgewood , unlike mom bought the house types or the living off the rich wife types

  28. Wait a minute, I thought Lembo was married with children? Now I hear he has a girlfriend. And his girlfriend is a substitute teacher and now also a secretary? Give me a break. She could’ve gotten a job in any other town. I am sure. Why is Lembo bringing his not wife girlfriend Into employment here. This is disgusting.

    1. This comment is going into his personal life and should be considered below the belt. Let’s not discuss personal life for election.

  29. I think it’s important that someone offhandedly said Kwak and Dani have ethics violations. Did they mean pending or proven? If either is true, the rest of that accusation should be explained. It’s potentially defamatory – and if that’s the case, it makes it very important. What is that story all about? I perceive their unpopularity (among certain groups) as coming from their straightforward presentation of their opinions and refusal to give in to pressure regarding their votes. They don’t seem to care if their ideas are hated on if they really think what they are saying is correct. That characteristic is the mark of a responsible board member – be upfront even if you run the risk of losing re-election. But seriously – if there are legit ethics charges you should let people know what you are talking about and not just potentially smear them.

    1. I read that comment as “kwak and Dani filed ethics charges”, not as “ethics charges against them”.

      1. Thank you. I wish the info was more specific.

  30. I think these bullies on the blog should stop and think for a moment of what Mr Lembo did for this school board during a very troubling time (In case any one forgot “COVID” )Our School system had never been through a situation like that. He took the lead and carried us through.His family has been in this town for over 100 years serving not only on the school board but in police department and the on the street department . I have a feeling the bullies maybe those village residents that only come to our town for the schools and then leave never giving back but just take. Well not the Lembo’s This is their home… As far as his personal life ,that should have no bearing on his ability to lead. I for one think he has done a wonderful and admirable job.

    1. give me a fcking break , zero credibility on BS stories like that, you just jumped the shark

  31. As a RW resident and teacher in another Bergen district, can we stop equating anything one side does not like to the union. The optic for the hiring is terrible and should not have been done, but the hiring is done by the Board and Administration. Has nothing to do with the union.

  32. Lembo’s girlfriend-not-wife got hired AGAIN this week. Lembo is running wild. No filter whatsoever. He needs to GO

  33. Lembo has no shame. No ethics. And he’s a cop!!!

  34. Sure hope no one votes for this loser

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