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Ridgewood High School Graduates Offering a New Power Washing Service

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, two  Ridgewood Highschool graduates (class of 2020), are offering a new power washing service at some very aggressive pricing . According to the two entrepreneurs  the most popular services: * Garbage Can cleaning ($30 for 1, $50 for 2) * Walkway Powerwash * Sidewalk Powerwash * Deck Deepclean .

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To contact for pricing txt “Yard Services ” 201-615-6205

2 thoughts on “Ridgewood High School Graduates Offering a New Power Washing Service

  1. I know you wanna make some money but that’s a lot of money for two cans.

  2. Excellent ,nothing worse than smelly garbage cans in August

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