the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, the Ridgewood League of Women Voters will hold a forum for candidates who are running for the Ridgewood Board of Education . Voting for the Board of Education and the $115 Million Ridgewood school budget will be held on April 21st 2020.
The candidates forum will be held on Tuesday March 31st at 7:30 pm at the Ridgewood Board of Education Center at 49 Cottage Place .
There are three candidates running for for two open 3-year terms :
Dan Creed
Saurabh Dani
Michael W Lembo
Two candidates are running for an unexpired 1-year
Hyunju Kwak
Muhammad Mahmoud
The candidates will answer question provide by the League of Women Voters and members of the community.
The forum will be televised on Cablevision Channel 77 , Fios Channel 34 and live streamed on Youtube .
So what do we know about these people other than hosting and contributing to nasty Facebook pages and shaming people. Is that who we want our children to look up to?
like Ridgewood Moms and Dads ?
Taxpayer – no we want our children to look up to the pathological liars currently at the helm.
Very likely to be canceled in light of pandemic.
Do we need to continue going into debt? I wa shocked to find out Ridgewood school system has the most debt of the school districts.