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Ridgewood library studying $5M renovation project


JULY 24, 2015, 4:42 PM    LAST UPDATED: FRIDAY, JULY 24, 2015, 4:51 PM

RIDGEWOOD — The village library’s interior is being studied for a makeover that could cost an estimated $5 million.

The Ridgewood Library’s Board of Trustees has met with three architects this month to discuss potential upgrades to the high-traffic facility, according to the library’s director, Nancy Greene.

“We hope to make the library building more bright and welcoming in the busy central circulation area,” Greene said.

Any plans would “open up more inviting areas throughout the library, especially for teens and adult reading, study group projects and discussions,” she said.

The board also wants to expand the teen center at the library, and provide additional “reader seats with natural light,” Green said.

The Ridgewood Library’s trustees hope to have initial designs for the interior update this fall, along with concrete cost projections.

A recent estimate put the project’s potential cost at $5 million, to be paid for with a mix of private and public funding.

12 thoughts on “Ridgewood library studying $5M renovation project

  1. Are they kidding??

    The need for light is mentioned often. Buyew bulbs.

    I think that the Library and foundation have a lot of nerve even proposing this. And this is on top of resident complaints about parking. Maybe they should build a multilevel garage so that we can get inside and see how good the lighting is.

  2. It’s just one bad joke after another. Let’s hope they raise the money privately.

  3. Before anything is done they need to research this. This is not about wanting a light and airy library and it is not about the director wanting a renovstion, this is taxpayer money. They have clubs meeting there and tutoring taking place. Is this what we want in the library or should the focus be on access to books and information?

    Who are the current visitors to the library
    How often do they visit
    What do they use it for

    For residents who do not go to the library
    What do they want in a library
    Is there something missing that keeps them from using the library

    For all residents – how many times a week/month/year do they visit the library
    Is the library serving the needs of all residents

  4. You have forgotten the library”s trustees who want a Performing Arts center. You know the one our Mayor talked about during his election campaign. What are they going to do buy the Elks building, take it of the tax rolls, knock it down and build a new building? For those that think the Elks does not pay property taxes think again they rent commercial space on the bottom floor. Next Ms Green and her crew will want a parking deck in the rear to help with the parking. Let those High Rollers Trustees and the Board members reach into their pockets for the money. Let not forget more jobs for the friend and family of the Library

  5. If it has anything to do with new construction Big Al the Developers Friend is for it.

  6. From the Mayor’s Web Site

    Approximately 40 Ridgewood residents, members of the business community and arts enthusiasts met with Aronsohn and Deputy Mayor Albert Pucciarelli two Saturdays ago to gauge interest in establishing a new performing arts center and the feasibility of turning the idea into a reality. The former bank site was mentioned several times during that meeting.

    With several smaller venues and organizations that cater to creative outlets, Ridgewood’s top elected officials said the only thing missing in town is a central location specifically for the arts.

    “This is not my area of expertise, but there is just so much talent in Ridgewood that it just makes sense. [A performing arts center] is something that would fit in really nicely into this town,” Aronsohn said. “And in terms of attracting outside talent, it would seem to be something we can do. It just seems like a win-win. We won’t know unless we try.”

    Pucciarelli agreed, saying that Ridgewood should have its own center to show off home-grown talent.

    “The wealth of talent can be harnessed to produce in Ridgewood a center that brings together various arts: performing arts, music and theater,” the deputy mayor said. “We will never rival what New York City has to offer, but to appreciate the arts shouldn’t have to require a trip across the George Washington Bridge. Art and artistic enjoyment is one of the ways to improve quality of life.”

    Establishing an arts center, whether downtown or elsewhere in Ridgewood, is a long-term goal, but officials admit that accomplishing that goal will likely be a daunting and possibly costly task.

    “You have to find the real estate, then you have to find the money to build it. Then you have to find the money to sustain it,” Aronsohn said. “But it definitely seems like a worthwhile task.”

    With that in mind, Aronsohn, Pucciarelli and others who attended the informal meeting this month opted to resurrect the Ridgewood Arts Council.

  7. Im surprised that Ms Green and the Blowhards on the Library Board didn’t suggest a old-time trolley bus to transport people from the Arts Center to selected restaurants in Ridgewood and I do meant “Selected”. What the hell they could even hang political campaign signs on it. All at taxpayers expense.

  8. Hey Rurik Halab and Jim Giffiith anything to say? We know that you are involved in the library.

  9. Lets hear from the Ridgewood Financial Advisory Board on this. Whats the difference they were all appointed by the 3 Amigos. You know what the answer will be.

  10. Blend had outside performers but it did not last how will the performing arts center sustain itself. Blend had a liquor license and it was not a money maker.

    There are churches, library community center, bandshell, bars and schools with venues for local artists.

  11. Did my property tax money pay the three architects consulted to date?

  12. This town is so Out if Control on Management and Spend Side. Taxpayers on beach this stuff is slipped thru

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