December 18,2015
the staff of the Ridgewood blog and Readers
Editors note this article was complied with both staff and reader input
Ridgewood NJ, well Paul, how is this working out for you? Can you say BACKFIRE? You have FECES all over your face with this pitiful attempt to discredit the upstanding Councilwoman. I would suggest that you go to hell, but hell is too good for you.
Yet again our Council majority reaches new depths of hypocrisy. For any of them to talk about conflicts of interest is just laughable. They continue to hold others to standards that they have not come close to reaching themselves.
This story in the Ridgewood News attacking Susan Kundsan is pathetic. Another shining example of pathetic vindictiveness.
Just remember posters Paul Aronsohn could not do this or any thing without the help and votes from Big Al and The Valley Girl. So just remember next year when you vote all three must go. They are all Complicit in these acts. Don’t be fooled by the big words from Al or the cookies the Gwen bakes.
Aronsohn thinks he is playing with the big political boys by playing big-time political tricks, but he is the small-time type and also quite stupid. He forced his “reelection” as mayor by making Ms Hauck vote remotely from her family safari to impress dumb people such as Record reporters. He knows how to act sincere but he stares without listening and is probably the most pigheaded individual ever to sit on our dais. Once he decides something, he will move heaven and earth to make it happen. He is a classic opportunist without a single sincere bone in his carpetbagger’s body. His long series of efforts to defame sitting council members who refuse to kowtow to his every whim is an embarrassment to himself and his position and has tarnished the council for years. I would gladly throw him under a commuter train.
Unfair hit piece on Susan.From what I remember, the vote was to change the residency requirement for positions other than Police & Fire.
If the vote was to change the residency requirement for Police & Fire, then she may have a conflict.Do you wonder why people are hesitant to participate in local government? (https://www.northjersey.com/news/ridgewood-wrestles-over-whether-councilwoman-s-employee-residency-vote-was-a-conflict-of-interest-1.1474652)
However Aronsohn did attempt to delay former Mayor Keith Killion’s son from being appointed to the police department now his pulling the same nonsence with Susan Knudsen’s sons.
“Well first Paul Aronsohn had Chris Harris now he has Steve JANOSK from the Record He has the new reporter from the Ridgewood News and the Daily Voice is doing a pretty good job of keeping his smiling face and the parking garage on the front page these last couple of week.
“When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. We are just about there in Ridgewood. Few residents will speak up in fear of retributions from these three. Some have already suffered retributions.
Sweep them out. Its not Russia Yet
Yes all three must go. Forget about the rumors that Paul Aronsohn is not running again. The other two only have to find someone that is of like mind and we will have the same block vote and the same thinking for another 4 years. One can only imagine the damage that would be done to the Village. The funny thing is the same resident that voted for the tree amigos will do it again .
The person who wrote this does not know all the facts.
Is this the same Councilwoman who was ‘banned’ from BOE meetings for demanding an educational accommodation for her children even though none was proven to be required?
Are we now seeing a career accommodation for the same children?
Doesn’t it seem odd that these same people have requested accommodations at every turn in school and now in adult life.
Why wouldn’t we get the best possible police officer from any geographic location, why the limitation?
It’s very important to have police live in the town they serve, if possible. They know the residents and their needs and the area; police can best serve the residents and there is less likely to be misunderstanding between residents and police force.
It is safer for both residents and police if police live in town that they serve.
In fact, according to what I read and hear on news, this is the goal of government now, to try and have police live in town they serve.
12:23pm=an Amigo or a craven shill/hanger-on of same. You’ve got the most obvious ‘tell’ we should all be so lucky to have you in our weekly poker game. You clearly have a personal, vested interest in slyly planting lies in the minds of the public as part of a larger plan to slander an eminently respectable Councilwoman and neighbor.
4:03 I agree with you totally. Unfortunately this civil service ruling means CURRENt residents can APPLY for the job. Once hired, they usually move out of town to Vernon or midland park.
Not all 6:51 there are a few that live in town.
Albert likes to boast about how he lives three doors from the CBD. OK, FAT ALBERT, recuse yourself from voting on any CBD issues.
6:51 How do you know? Not everyone is a thief dressed like a saint. I know who you are 6:51, the mayor’s friend: the mayor: a wolf dressed in sheep’s clothing. Like you 6:51.
I personally know cops who live in town. They need to catch up with you.
Be carful of Fat Albert he wants to be Mayor next year. Then he fix you 9:23
Fat Alber is starting to make his bid for re election next year. Notice how low key he has been hoping that voters will forget what he has done. He probably has a running mate already pick out. It is no surprise that he wants to be Mayor. The funny thing is that the same voters that voted for the 3 amigos will vote for Big Al and his new coalition. Right now his buddies Paul is taking all the heat and Al is good with that distraction from him. Don’t be fooled. Al is worse the Paul could ever be. He is a Narcissist and vindictive. So if you don’t want the next four years the same as the last four year then vote and get your family and friends to vote. We must get rid of these three. They are a cancer.
Albert might not be worse than Paul, but he is equally evil. And Gwenn, forget about it, she is the original MEAN GIRL. Any attention taken off the two of them right now is temporary but we will not forget the combined nastiness of the three of them.
I feel the need to speak about the innocent young men caught in this cross fire. These young men want to serve and protect their Village. Sounds like these deserving men followed protocol and fulfilled the requirements to be placed on the list. Nothing else matters!