the staff of the Ridgewood blog
From the Facebook page It Takes a Village , “Before you read the Ridgewood News tmrw, please know this-We, Lorraine and I, were interviewed by a smart, new reporter recently employed by the Ridgewood News who was excited to report our side of the story on the garage petition, certification and special election. We had an hour long conversation and she even was speaking to our attorney to share her response.The reporter called me today to apologize and tell me they will not be printing the article due to “space constraints”. Maybe next week she said. I told her we know it was not her decision, and encouraged her to find a new job at a real newspaper. I have cancelled my subscription.” , Gail McLaughlin McCarthyIt is also being reported that Janice Willet’s campaign manager is a long time employee of the North Bergen Media Group (who owns the Ridgewood News), Pam Wyne. Big surprise.!The inequity of the media coverage in our area is disgraceful. I hope everyone cancels their subscriptions to all of their publications immediately and sends them the message loud and clear that we do not tolerate bias in our journalism, period. Laurie Bender
If you do a quick search on line there are many instances of this-bias newspapers are part of our culture and are protected-they can turn ads away all they want if they don’t adhere to the publishers bias-and of course editorial content is under their discretion. The real problem is that ALL our local news outlets are owned by the same people-this is an issue worth examining. Ellen D’Arcy Simpson
Just to be clear, 20,000 unique isp addresses does not equal 20,000 unique visitors.
its like 42,700 IPs in the last 30 days but thanks for clearing that up
approved comments 53,967
24,433 posts
Some people want to continue to believe that there are three or four people who post all the comments on the Blog, and that James himself makes most of the comments up. Just ridiculous. The Blog is the biggest open forum and it is not biased. James prints slams about himself, for heaven’s sake.
Only some who “works” for the government or someone who is a partisan hack would assume a few peopla are posting 53,796 comments lol
The Ridgewood News is owned by North Jersey Media Group. Nuff said.
The robo phone calls blitz starts. Got a robo message on answering machine tonight from R.Brooks saying to vote for him, Weitz and other for council, and that he paid for this message. Caller I.D. says 201-345-4962 Ridgewood, NJ.. Report call as Spam. Following same tactics as someone else we all know who’s used robo calls, signs in CBD planters to vote yes for garage, signs in tree wells. I will Not vote for them.
Rather, I am voting for the candidates who will put Ridgewood and the residents in their best interest – Voigt, Walsh and Hache. Matter of fact, concerned citizens and supporters of Voigt, Walsh and Hache, went respectfully door to door in neighborhoods today with flyers to remind people to vote on May 10th. Thank you, well received.
The Ridgewood News are just Shills and toadies for the current loosing admininstration.
I often disagree with the sentiments of this site but James virtually always posts my comments. I have maybe had less than 5 rejected in 4 years of posting. Most of the time they are rejected I can even understand why he didnt post them. James is very fair in allowing both sides to post in response to his commentary and articles.
Yes, it is sad to see yet another Ridgewood institution subverted for political purposes. The Ridgewood News simply isn’t the journalistic endeavor it once was.
Say what you like or dislike about the Ridgewood Blog – – – and your comment appears. That’s debate, and it is what journalism is intended to engender.