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Ridgewood, NJ is celebrating its 125th anniversary!

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, This year Ridgewood, NJ is celebrating its 125th anniversary! To commemorate the occasion, the Village of Ridgewood is holding a series of events to highlight various moments from the past, and to look forward to our future. On this page we will be posting your favorite memories and experiences. Watch this space for announcements, trivia, and stories about the village’s past, present, and future.

Keep up to date with the latest activities on Facebook

Elizabeth Hawes was an innovative fashion designer born in Ridgewood in 1903. She was an outspoken critic of the fashion industry, champion of ”ready to wear” and author of the book Fashion Is Spinach, published in 1938. After she graduated from RHS, she went to Vassar where she excelled in mathematics, chemistry and economics. Her interest in fashion compelled her to move to Paris in 1925 where she developed her method of designing by draping fabric on a wooden mannequin. Hawes returned to New York in 1928 where she was among the first Americans to establish their reputations outside of Paris haute couture. She was also a journalist, union organizer, champion of gender equality, and political activist. Elizabeth’s mother was education pioneer, Henrietta Hawes (yes, the elementary school!) whose wedding trousseau, bought in Paris, can be viewed at the current exhibit at Ridgewood Historical Society’s Schoolhouse Museum.

5 thoughts on “Ridgewood, NJ is celebrating its 125th anniversary!

  1. The Chamber of Commerce should run a big 50/50 raffle to celebrate. The proceeds would go off set school building capital ex budgets. $10 a ticket and sell them until October 30. Throw a party and announce the winner. If sufficiently intoxicated, the winner donates back most of the proceeds. After 125 years, this Village could use a large party.

  2. After 125 years, this Village should throw itself a party. Have a 50/50 raffle to commemorate the event. Have the proceeds go to off set some of the BOE’s cap ex budget. Put the Chamber of Commerce in charge of selling the tickets for $10 a piece. Small price to pay for their long sought after parking garage. The winner can be announce at a Village sponsored Halloween Party. If sufficiently lubricated, the winner may donate a portion or all of the winning back to the cause. Best of all, if everyone wears a mask, those that always seem to disagree may find their fellow party goer to be not so bad….fun, financial responsibility, and fellowship would be the theme.

  3. Who cares

  4. Its certainly not a village anymore………

  5. The county and local roads are only for for gladiators and chariots.

    Franklin Avenue was bombed out well before the faulty towers train side housing
    construction ..the roadway was crap before the trench cutting and utility chop and
    hot spackle treatment rather than a professional road repair so it is like demolition
    from town side franklin avenue to from the train station side of town . Shame..we deserve better no excuses .we are a broken town .local and county roads are beyond
    neglect and are dangerous to drivers ,pedestrians and bicyclists.ALL FACTS

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