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Ridgewood Residents are required to clear snow and ice on abutting sidewalks within 24 hours after the storm has passed

Snow Blizzard of 2016 Ridgewood CBD

reprinted from December 9,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, The Village has an extensive snow emergency program which helps residents travel safer and easier in snowy weather.

Before a storm begins, the main streets are pretreated with an environmentally safe solution that reduces the freezing temperature of the snow.
In the first 1-2 inches of a storm, salt spreaders are dispatched to keep the main arteries and hills clear of snow and ice.
Snow plowing will begin when there is at least two inches of snow accumulation. Snow plowing operations can vary depending on the duration and intensity of the storm. During the storm, snow plows will concentrate on keeping two lanes clear on every street.
After the storm passes, the plows will return to widen the streets curb to curb.

PLEASE wait to do your final clean-up after the streets are done. Typically, 2 to 6 hours after the storm is over.

Please do not thrown or push snow into the street. As the snow melts and refreezes, it can cause icy spots or clumps of ice which can cause accidents. If you have a contractor that is plowing the driveway, please advise him accordingly. This includes pushing the snow across the street onto someone else’s property.

Child Safety:
Please keep children out of the streets and driveway aprons while Village vehicles are snow plowing. Often children play in front of the driveway where the snow pile is the highest. The drivers cannot see children hiding and the maneuverability of the vehicles is limited due to the conditions.

When shoveling the end of your driveway during the Village’s snow plowing operations, place the snow to the right of your driveway (with your back facing your house). The snow plow will pass left to right and push the snow past the driveway. There will always be some snow accumulation after the snow plow passes. Please remember that the final pass of the snow plow will be up to the curb line. In anticipation of future storms we need to clear the road as wide as possible.

Garbage Cans:
Place your garbage cans behind the sidewalk on your property or in your driveway and NOT in the street. The snowplows can throw the snow up to ten feet knocking over the cans. Objects in the roadway are our biggest deterrent in efficient plowing operations.

There is no parking allowed on any Village street during a snow emergency. Village CBD parking lots must be cleared by 1 AM unless designated an overnight resident permit lot.

Fire Hydrants:
In the event of deep snow, please shovel around fire hydrants near your house – for your safety and your neighbors’.

Residents are required to clear snow and ice on abutting sidewalks within 24 hours after the storm has passed. CBD sidewalk must be kept clear during business hours and completely cleared by 9 AM the following morning. Please remember that children are walking to schools and bus stops. Residents with corner properties are asked to provide pedestrian crossing access.

State Roads:
The New Jersey Department of Transportation is responsible for plowing Route 17 and all ramps to the highway.

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14 thoughts on “Ridgewood Residents are required to clear snow and ice on abutting sidewalks within 24 hours after the storm has passed

  1. I can’t the leaves re in the way.

  2. I can’t the leaves are in the way.

    1. Dementia?

  3. Hi, anyone know, now that snow and leaves are going to get mixed. Then which contractor gets the money to remove them? The snow contractor who works hourly or the leaf contractor who has a fixed price contract?

  4. One way charlie rules the commoners taxpayers ..a joke

  5. I’m glad there isn’t supposed to be a ton of snow or there would be no place to put it.

  6. The driveway rules make sense, but it would truly help if the plows would plow closer to the curb, especially when turning onto side streets. I often walk out to find that the plow left 6 to 8 feet of unplowed roadway as they passed in front of my driveway, a driveway 50 feet after the plow turned off a larger road onto the side road on which I live. I understand why the short side streets are plowed later, but residents should not have to shovel the street to get out of their own driveways.

    1. “but it would truly help if the plows would plow closer to the curb”

      Well, maybe it would help if they SLOW DOWN.

      I’m sick and tired of clearing out my sidewalks and then the plows come by at high speed and the sidewalks are covered with compressed snow that is almost impossible to remove even with an 8HP blower…………

      1. You responded to a message posted over seven years ago.

  7. If you missed the leaf pickup you should have bought them to the town. Leaf pickup in my neighborhood was perfect. Followed the schedule.

    If you left them out you should be ticketed

    1. Yes! We did our dinalmlead clean-up after our final pick-up so we bagged them and dropped them at the recycling center.

  8. What street still has leaves on them. Please give the pill list so they can clean up the road. Take photos of the leaves in the road. Send them to the blog.

  9. I thought the village didn’t use a contractor to pick up leaves this year

  10. The manager said that the whole town was clean. Were they done or they weren’t done because a few days ago I seen the vacuum out vacuuming up leaves in the street. So who’s bullshitting who.

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