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Ridgewood School Rank Continues to Drop

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by Steve Ki,m

Ridgewood NJ, Wanna good laugh? (or cry)

At the October 7th BOE meeting, Mr.Morgan and Ms.Brogan were busy bashing NJ Monthly’s high school ranking methodology. They didn’t do sufficient research because that ranking is weighted heavily on several factors related to academics. Most other factors get minor weights. RHS has fallen to 36th because of AP related factors. (For an AB comparison, Glen Rock ranked 2nd. This negates any major influences of demographics or magnate school inclusion.)

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Then Mr.Morgan went on to say we should be looking at School Digger. He said that’s way better. (SD is based on State testing scores.)

From 2018 to 2019, RHS fell 12 spots in that ranking.

They are running out of ranking to latch onto. Instead, they should allocate an hour to research to see if school’s educational quality needs to improve and if so how.

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9 thoughts on “Ridgewood School Rank Continues to Drop

  1. We’re crazy if we think that borrowing money is going to fix this. Just look at the zero impact that Mark Zuckerberg’s $100 million had in Newark. No more money for these people.

  2. School administrators are analogous to “managers” in business. If a business’ managers perform poorly, then they get FIRED and REPLACED. What are we waiting for?

  3. Like I said many years ago the school system is overrated. Just like the town.

  4. These public posts are going to affect property prices.
    Can we keep it within the family?

  5. This is about to cost everybody in town a ton of money.

    Something needs to change and change quick.

  6. Blah blah blah….
    No more money for these people yet you still live here and pay taxes which in turn means your giving them more money.
    Every year.
    Because your a fucking moron.

  7. TRADITION of excellence

  8. It’s “you’re a fucking moron”, tool. Lol.

  9. a tradition of moron “ness” – at least we can bitch about it

    lol with cheers

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