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Ridgewood Student Gun Turns Out to Be Toy Gun

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, according to Ridgewood Chief  of Police Forest R. Lyons, on January 31, 2024, the Ridgewood Police Department was made aware that a student at one of our schools was in possession of a toy gun. Our officers immediately ensured the toy was secured and there was no threat to any students or staff. Our department determined the miniature, plastic toy gun was not used to commit/attempt to commit a crime, was not an imitation firearm, and not of evidentiary value. No further police action was deemed necessary beyond the initial investigation.

Regardless, we urge all parents to ensure that their children do not possess a toy (regardless if it has orange markings or other common indicators of being a toy) that may be considered a weapon by any person while they are in public places, especially our schools.
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2 thoughts on “Ridgewood Student Gun Turns Out to Be Toy Gun

  1. So much for the annual nerf gun spring shoot-out for the high school!

    1. Ya no, this is completely different than a planned event where teenagers using brightly colored Nerf guns have fun. I don’t love that tradition either but this was different.

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