Proposed Ridgewood Police Firing Range Update:
by Boyd Loving
Ridgewood NJ, I attempted to obtain copies of the two (2) “feasibility studies” prepared in connection with the proposed police firing range, but both of my OPRA requests were denied because the requested documents are considered to be “drafts” only at this time, thus exempt from being OPRA’d.
I’m somewhat puzzled because the Village Council authorized preparation of the first “feasibility study” on September 11, 2019. That’s 15 months ago; and the document that cost $10k is still in “draft” format?
Anyway, I just wanted to let you all know that we the taxpayers paid $15k for reports that we’re not allowed to see. Hmm. I wonder why?
CORRECTION: I’ve just been informed that only $10k has been spent so far. A $5k invoice for the “feasibility study” that was not authorized by Village Council members remains unpaid at this time.
Somebody’s hiding something.
What else is new.
What’s the problem just build it. The police department needed. If anything they should open it up to certified individuals who pass firearms safety test. And put it out on 17.
Do we know what the final cost of this gun range will be. If they are going to build it build it right. Not like the last one that was Done very cheaply.
Who authorized the invoice…. heather?