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Ridgewood Village Council May try to Ban Signs From Public Meetings

No Furloughs

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, the Ridgewood Village Council may be exploring how to effectively ban meeting attendees from displaying signs during any Public Meeting of the Council.

the Ridgewood blog has a brand-new twitter account

Several legal experts contacted by The Ridgewood Blog are of the unanimous opinion that such a ban would be completely unconstitutional, and wouldn’t stand a snowball’s chance in hell of winning in any NJ State Court.

The internet is literally filled with press photos of well behaved meeting attendees throughout the State of NJ displaying signs during public meetings (1 attached photo was taken on March 22, 2023 in Ridgewood,)

What on earth could members of Ridgewood’s Village Council be thinking to even consider enacting a ban that, in effect, would severely limit a resident’s freedom of expression? And who specifically on the Council started the ball rolling on this foolish proposal?

The Ridgewood Blog suggests this movement be stopped dead in its tracks, now.

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35 thoughts on “Ridgewood Village Council May try to Ban Signs From Public Meetings

  1. I will wear signs pinned on my clothing if they try to squelch placards. What a bunch of control freaks.

  2. Amen James.

  3. Remember, as an administrator of the Ridgewood Moms and Dads Facebook page, Ms. Winograd controlled posted comments there with an iron fist. So, it would not surprise me if she was behind this move to control freedom of expression at Council meetings.

  4. How many laws is this crew going to break or bend (and it is only March)?

    Let’s see, so far:

    > OPMA violation regarding the dismissal of the Village Manager (Paul, Pam and peripherally Evan and Siobhan)

    > Winograd made up her own set of rules about how the public can behave at council meetings, she did not run it by or discuss it with the entire council, and she posted it on the webpage. It was promptly removed when the illegality of her doing so was brought to light.

    > Discussions-agreements to hire with a lawyer who is not a lawyer

    > Paul telling a citizen she had to stop talking because she used the name of a specific councilperson in her public comments.

    > Paul voting on all things having to do with the CBD even when there is a CLEAR conflict of interest.

    > probably more that I am not thinking of

    > and now they might want to censor public speech by saying no signs may be held up in a public meeting

    Three lawyers, one idiot, and one NORMAL PERSON, that is Lorraine Reynolds. What a council.

    1. Excuse me, how many idiots? These categories are not mutually exclusive.

  5. What if we bring EW and SW’s election flyers where it shows they made false promises about taxes and schedler?

  6. I told you numerous times over and over that the mayor and council have a playbook and they’re not sharing it with anyone else. Their way of governing at times is totally out of the playbook from the late 30s of the Nazi regime. Some don’t want to hear it but it’s true. Just like the BERGEN blue law. It doesn’t work anymore in these times. They are hypocrites.

  7. Wait. What? Her shirt has writing on it. Is that acceptable?

    1. Happy talk allowed as exception so as to
      Soothe the rabid beasts of conflict .

  8. Umm…who is that…?

    1. Anne Loving, who has attended council meetings for many years and often speaks during the public comment section.

  9. The signs are all around us……………………………………………………….

  10. Maybe park a food truck in front of the greek restaurant.

  11. Do you think this council gives two shits about rules and regulations and laws.

  12. The hits just keep on coming with these idiots. People have held up signs peacefully for ever and ever. What are they so threatened by?

    1. They’re Above the Law!!!

  13. Then we will just wear printed tee shirts

  14. The truth

  15. The village council sounds like it’s fully demoralized. Yuri Bezmenov tried to warn us in 1984. Can you reason with a demoralized person?

  16. First Amendment, Freedom of Speech.
    “the U.S. Supreme Court has held that it protects a wide variety of expression. This includes what is known as “pure speech,” meaning the spoken word. The First Amendment also protects expression that is written and expression that is typed and published.”
    “It protects the fundamental rights of conscience—the freedom to believe and express different ideas—in a variety of ways.”

  17. Is there any evidence of this claim that you’d care to share?

    1. Yes. In January of this year, a document outlining the permissible behavior of residents attending Village Council meetings was posted on the Village’s official website. One of the rules contained therein was “no signs will be allowed.” The document was removed from the website shortly after it was posted; no explanation was offered as to why it was removed.

  18. Worst Council of all time. And we are only 3 months in.

  19. Goes back to the Aronsohn regime. No one shall disagree with us.

  20. Stand with a sign in front of village hall.

  21. Liars and hypocrites. I want them to try banning signs. I will go to every meeting with multiple signs, and when they have me removed I will happily sue the shit out of them for violating my first amendment rights.
    Unfortunately the vast majority of residents voted these ass clown into office. I feel bad for the few of us who were able to see this coming from a mile away, but for the rest of the town you get the government you deserve.

    1. Wait, there are more than 1 Ass Clown, there are at-least 3 , I’m on the fence about Wentz

      1. He’s an ass clown for sure.

  22. Hey Siobhan: Just give up trying to control the message at places other than your biased Facebook pages. You’re not gonna win. Give it up bitch.

    1. It would be great if we could put a permanent halt on vicious terms like that as well as mocking anyone’s physical appearance. It’s childish and there are plenty of much better arguments.

      1. If the moniker fits, use it.

      2. Go soak your head.
        Gloves are off.
        This is it.

  23. If this council thinks they can beat down opposition by making endless illegal rules like batting away gnats, they are wrong.

    On the other hand, state and federal governments are doing this almost daily. Redefining democracy may be the catchphrase of the era. O founding fathers, we miss ye.

  24. I believe the dpw workers are unionized.
    Village of Ridgewood Union Contracts – UPSEU
    Collective Bargining Agreements for Current Union Contracts – Blue Collar Contract -

  25. Yes my deepest apologies. I forgot that everyone who comments here is an editor. I forgot the “s.” I meant to write ass clowns, as in four of them. Councilwoman Reynolds is great and therefore not one of the ass clown “s.” I won’t name names, so I leave it up to you readers to try and imagine which of the other council members are, in fact, the ass clowns. Cheers!

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