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Ridgewood Village Council to begin the Village Master Plan Visioning Process

Village Council Meeting

April 14,2018

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Village of Ridgewood Mayor Susan Knudsen announced Friday afternoon , “As Promised – Ridgewood Village Council approved the hiring of NV5 to begin the Village Master Plan vsioning process. Details will be announced soon!”

The Mayor goes on , “Ridgewood is embarking on the development of a new Village Master Plan to replace the current, outdated document which is about 35 years old. A Master Plan encompasses all zoning laws and regulations that shaped the Village into the community it is today. From downtown development to the allowable property setbacks in everyone’s neighborhoods, the document is critical in maintaining the character of the Village. Our goal is to allow for smart development that doesn’t overwhelm streets and neighborhoods while supporting a vibrant and healthy Central Business District.”

“A new Village Master Plan document will guide Ridgewood’s development 40 plus years into the future making it critically important for trusted, experienced Council members to be active participants. Council members with a proven track record of protecting resident property values, Ridgewood neighborhoods, and the character of the Village we call home. Mayor Knudsen is the most experienced Council member in the area of Municpal Land Use making her participation important to the future of the Village. Experienced Council members with a comprehensive understanding of Municipal Land Use patterns, development and zoning, will serve the community best as we begin the exciting Master Plan process.”

The Master Plan project will commence in May with public engagement, charrettes, surveys, and more.

5 thoughts on “Ridgewood Village Council to begin the Village Master Plan Visioning Process

  1. By visioning is “envisioning” intended?

  2. Vision is a noun.

  3. BEGIN ……. what’s been happening for the last two years. August of last year is when a special committee was formed. Another secret committee. What did they do.

    BEGIN ……. right before the election, how convenient

  4. Who is the quote attributed to? Herself? She is saying she is the most experienced? And since this is an obvious campaign push how did she use the Village logo on Facebook?

  5. Just asking- you’re a. Moron.
    Things take time and the municipal process requires the legal channels be gone through. They don’t happen in a day. The committee wasn’t secret. I know and heard about it. Theyvreport on it at meetings. Try attending!! With their advice the whole town will participate. Shut up or get involved.
    Unless you already were and you’re a little mad you’re not anymore….? Sounds more like it. Troll.

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