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Ridgewood Walks is Promoting Safer Streets this Summer

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May 25,2018

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, the Ridgewood Walks is promoting safer streets this summer . “Now that the weather is warmer and more of us are out and about, it’s time to join our campaign to keep our streets safer for all who walk, cycle, play, drive and ride.”

“Keep Kids Alive Drive 25” signs are now available and only $25. You can purchase one or more by emailing

In the mean time Ridgewood Walks says , “Get your feet ready….things are happening! June begins the first annual Ridgewood Walks “Step Into Summer” walking tours…and we are all in! We will soon activate the online sign-up sheet, so come back soon for that announcement.

In the meantime, volunteer to be a tour guide and plan your own group walking tour! It’s fun—just ask some of our Tour Ambassadors from last October’s Walktoberfest, tagged here. Spread the word and join us!
To be a tour ambassador, or to just talk to us about it, email us at


7 thoughts on “Ridgewood Walks is Promoting Safer Streets this Summer

  1. Discourage more vehicles in CBD by NOT having a garage PERIOD. Discourage pollution and pedestrian acciidents. THis council pukes and I voted for SEDON and KNUDSEN only because the others were worse. no one good ran.

  2. Will the police be giving tickets to speeders including NJIT buses?

  3. Avoid Jeanne Johnson and her lame projects at all costs

  4. Maybe we can promote to our kids that they need to look both ways before walking into our street crosswalk, and pick your head up instead of looking down at their cell phone. Because I don’t know who’s teaching them this but it really is amazing how Individuals can just walk in the street without looking and looking at their cell phone to the New York City you get ran over, this bullshit came from LA. Right away they want to blame the drivers wake up.

  5. I prefer the “Drive like your kids live here” signs better but anything that could possibly slow drivers would be a great help. Even more important is what 1:02 said. I am so tired of both adults and children using their phones and never once looking up. They just assume that someone will see them in time to stop when they walk directly into the street without looking. Could our parking meter attendants ticket those people if they see them while making their rounds?

  6. “I prefer the “Drive like your kids live here” signs better…”
    That must mean that I can drive at any speed, since my kids are smart enough to look both ways and stay out of the street and respect the power of cars, so the speed limit could be 25, 50 or 100 and my kids would be safe.
    I prefer the sign – “teach your kids to be self-responsible and not victims”.

  7. I have those “Drive Like You Kids Live Here Signs.” How many grammar errors can you jam onto a single sign?

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