Stage 4 water restrictions are still in effect.
September 19,2015
Dear Ridgewood Water customers,
Your cooperation with Stage 4 restrictions has started to ease the stress that the water system experienced during this unusually dry summer. Weather forecasts predict that dry conditions will continue, so Stage 4 restrictions will remain in effect until further notice.
No irrigation of any kind is allowed on Mondays, Thursdays, or Fridays.
Irrigation using only a hand-held hose with a spray nozzle is permitted for odd numbered addresses only on Tuesdays and Saturdays and for even numbered addresses only on Wednesdays and Sundays.
Waivers for special circumstances such as irrigating newly planted lawns and shrubs, cleaning cars or houses, and filling swimming pools will be considered on a case-by-case basis. For more information on waivers please call Ridgewood Water at 201-670-5520 or email Customer Service at cswater@ridgewoodnj.net.
You can always find the current status of restrictions at our website,water.ridgewoodnj.net. Your patience is greatly appreciated
Yeah yeah yeah. I’m heading out with hose in hand for a few hours as I do twice a week.
Dont fix an essential service – like water supply
Do build an albatros of a parking garage
Do build another turf field.
As long as we have our priorities straight…
Went to water dept. to discuss outrageous bill last week and asked why current restrictions were being called stage IV when they more closely resembled stage III. Was told the village manager had insisted on this so that she would have full control over details, as stage IV stipulates. (“I don’t make the rules,” quoth the water dept person.) Stages I, II, and III are controlled by Ridgewood Water. So we skipped over stage III, which I believe has never happened here (or anywhere, maybe?) before.
On Saturday the high school chorus group was holding a car wash to raise a few dollars for their program. The kids were about an hour into it, 2 hoses with nozzles when the police came by and had them shut down due to a complaint. The officers were apologetic but had to act due to a compliant. I don’t have anyone in the schools, but what an awful example for the village. We ask the kids to work a task to help their program and then send the police to shut it down.
We should all be very concerned that their are people so miserable and angry in town that they complain about a organized event at the school to raise money.
Why is there no pressure on the water company to build a system that can meets the needs? Why is there no consideration of water use in the proposed increased in area housing? Why are we using village police resources to enforce water rules, seems if they had the time to do this perhaps we should review staffing levels when the water “crisis” is over ?
What adult was running that high school car wash? Couldn’t make a simple phone call to get permission in advance? At least this time the non-turfed BOE properties are obeying the water restrictions. I feel bad for the kids, but they just learned something – rules sometimes apply. Let’s not blame the police for doing their job when there is a complaint. (Not applauding whoever called in the complaint.)
“village police resources to enforce water rules, seems if they had the time to do this perhaps we should review staffing levels when the water “crisis” is over ” Maybe we should review why you thinks it alright for the kids to do this during stage 4 water restrictions. Typical Ridgewood elites that think the laws don’t apply to them and the cops do nothing until they need them . Then they want to know what took them so long.
too bad it wasn’t a car wash for the gay muslim alliance club… then it would be allowed to stay open.
The “Stage 4 In Effect” notice posted on the Village’s website says NOTHING about a ban on washing vehicles. It addresses IRRIGATION ONLY.
When were we told in writing that washing cars is prohibited?
Where was the Broad of Ed? Where were the parents? Either they are living in a cave or they just don’t give a dam. I along with other residents are following the restriction. Just like the nitwit above that blame the police for the stupidly or the arrogance of the BOED or the parents that organized this car wash.
Well 4:40 perhaps a responsible parent should have explain to these young citizens that we are in stage 4 water restriction and to have a car wash would violate those restrictions.” Crisis” adverted.
We have sufficient water. It’s the inconsiderate owners of underground automatic sprinkler systems that ignored the stage 2 restrictions so we are now at stage 4 thanks to the arrogance.
Typical piss poor attitude displayed by our New York arrivals
Too bad the car wash wasnt held on my lawn. Then it would at least get watered.
I was think the same thing brian. Im going to pull my car on the front lawn and wash it every day. Maybe twice a day.