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Rising Electric Bills Show Risk of Murphy’s Plan to Electrify Everything

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Trenton NJ, Senator Anthony M. Bucco said statewide electricity rate hikes that will take effect this summer highlight the risk to consumers of Governor Phil Murphy’s extreme green energy plan that would phase out natural gas and force New Jerseyans to switch to electric appliances and expensive electric vehicles.

“Electric rates will rise across New Jersey by up to 7% this summer,” said Bucco (R-25). “Thankfully, most people use an affordable mix of energy for their homes and businesses, so that hike in electric rates will be offset by dropping natural gas prices. Under Governor Murphy’s plan to electrify everything, however, there would be no relief and people would be forced to pay more to turn on their lights, heat their homes, and charge their cars. The governor’s plan, if implemented, will lead to huge increases in energy bills for New Jersey.”

Bucco’s comments followed the BPU’s approval of electricity rate increases of 6.9% for customers of Rockland Electric Company, 4.8% for JCP&L, 4.1% for Atlantic City Electric, and 3.3% for PSE&G.

The hikes in electric rates followed PSE&G’s reduction of natural gas rates by 23% on February 1. According to the company, residential gas bills are approximately 30% lower than in 2008, and 44% lower when accounting for inflation.

Despite the fact that natural gas rates ga continue to drop, Governor Murphy’s Energy Master Plan would force New Jerseyans to convert their furnaces, stoves, and hot water heaters from gas to electric.

According to a new report from Affordable Energy for New Jersey, an independent non-profit, the total cost of the governor’s green energy plan is $1.4 trillion between now and 2050.

“In addition to the massive cost of Governor Murphy extreme green energy plan, there’s an enormous safety risk that comes with eliminating redundant energy sources and placing more demand on a fragile electric grid that can’t handle it,” added Bucco. “In a power outage, you wouldn’t be able to turn on your lights, heat your home, cook your dinner, or drive your car that you couldn’t charge. That’s a recipe for disaster in an emergency.”

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6 thoughts on “Rising Electric Bills Show Risk of Murphy’s Plan to Electrify Everything

  1. Electrifying everything is just crazy. What happens if the entire electric grid goes down? We should have both electric cars (if someone desires to purchase one) and gas powered cars. I think what is more important is that we all conserve electric and gas power. Just a thought.

  2. Here’s a warning to all of those kool-aid drinkers promoting this electric nonsense. Here is MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE with ‘all electric’ homes. Back in 1983 I built a home in Massachusetts. The electric company in concert with the state promoted ‘clean reliable electric heat’ in order to reduce dependancy on oil heat. The ‘deal’ was a special electric ‘space heating rate’ in which the more electricity used, the rate would decrease. It was a good deal and many thousand of newly built homes had ‘clean efficient’ electric heat, thermostats in each room, and no more leaking oil tanks, dirty burners, no chance of fuel oil spills by careless drivers. All was well for a few years until the government, with a stroke of the pen, allowed the utilities to remove the ‘space heating rate’ and charged us all the same per kw/hr as all other homes. The cost of the monthly heating bills went through the roof. No other choice. They got you by the balls. So be very careful of some ‘snake oil salesman’ selling you ‘clean electric’ cars, heating systems etc. There is no limit on the price of electricity. Ask anyone in New England whats happenning now. Rates are doubling since the tree huggers won’t allow a simple expansion of an existing natural gas pipeline that provides the fuel necessary for the power plants (after closing Pilgrim nuclear without any replacement for that supply) and the tree huggers in Maine stopped a power line that would have brought clean green electricity from hyro-quebec. Beware of those ‘free thermostats’ ….read the small print.. the utility reserves the right to change your temperature in periods of peak usage.. BIG goverment up your a$$

  3. Rather than listening to the choirs of climate change zealots, I encourage everyone to do your own research, seek out opposing points of view, read or listen to them, and rethink/reform your own opinions. This climate HOAX used to be global cooling (yes, I am older), then global warming and since neither happened, now it is climate change. Only 25,000 (thousand) years ago, New York city was under nearly a mile of ice. Climate changes. EVERYONE pushing these theories are paid by salary, grants, university positions, book fees, etc., that simply encourage the continuing promotion of this utter nonsense. Follow the money!! Let’s work toward the elimination of fossil fuels, let’s minimize pollutant, let’s do it all. I agree. But, let’s do it utilizing a reasonable and sane methodology that accomplishes the goals without bankrupting the citizens and governments. There is no need to DRIVE this at the current velocity. It needs to be THOUGHT through, planned and implemented with the betterment of the population AND the environment in mind. Please, research and read. You will be surprised, if not shocked, at the depth of the climate cabal. Those flying alone in their private planes complain the most. Hypocrites all.

    1. I remember back in the 1970’s the liberal narrative was warning of the coming ‘ice age’..

  4. The village would like to buy all new vehicles that are electrical only.

  5. The new ice age is already here. It is in the minds of the electorate as they walk into the booth, or more likely out to the mailbox.

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