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Runoff From Toll Brother Site Destroys Easter Celebrations in Upper Saddle River

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Upper Saddle River NJ, while New Jersey politicians plunder the state and spend their days contriving new schemes to raise your taxes, the NJ DEP is left ineffectual against polluters.

Derek Michalski of GreenUSR said,” Easter celebrations in GreenUSR has been ruined for the second year in a row!!! I never wished anyone to go to hell but if anybody deserve it it would be Chris Gaffney for his decision to allow its workers to pump heavy mud second year in a row during Holy Week. Shame on him, shame on Toll Brothers and Toll Brothers’ apologists. “

Posted by Derek Michalski on Sunday, April 21, 2019

5 thoughts on “Runoff From Toll Brother Site Destroys Easter Celebrations in Upper Saddle River

  1. What am I missing here ?

    It’s a construction site. Of course there’s going to be some run-off.

  2. What’s missing here is a portion of the brain known as the somatosensory cortex that is located in this lobe and is essential to the processing of the body’s senses. Here the needed sense is called a “common sense”. If your anonymous brain thinks that 16th month-long on and off devastation of our precious aquifer is a normal thing have a great Earth Day today (April 22, 2019) and say hello to other Toll Brother’s apologists spreading false information. If they pay you I do understand and I am not even upset. Money talks brother and I get it but if they don’t pay you and you still spread false rumors I feel sorry for you………………really do.
    Rest of us please join me in our townwide Call-To-Action:
    EARTH DAY CALL TO ACTION: PLEASE CALL Chris Gaffney, Toll Brothers NJ Group President, responsible for 16th month-long ongoing mud pumping into Pleasant Brook in Mahwah and Upper Saddle River. If he doesn’t answer the phone please leave him a message that Bergen County community had enough of Toll Brothers!!! And yes don’t forget to wish him Happy Earth Day! His direct line: (215)-938-8229 in Hershey, PA

  3. Whoa….someone has to switch to de caffeinated and quick…

  4. No this is a mess. Why is this happening.

  5. This is an environmental debacle especially for a community of our size. I am worried about the future health and safety of all the homeowners living by this Toll Brothers construction project ,and I 100% agree that the EPA and FBI should continue to delve into this mess. As a long-time resident and taxpayer about to see my neighborhood go down the tubes, I demand immediate and positive action from Toll Brothers and our town’s leadership!

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