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Saturday Morning A Toyota Prius found its Way on to a Well maintained Front Lawn of a Grove Street Home in Ridgewood

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photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, a local resident driving under the provisions of a learner’s permit lost control of her vehicle and crashed into a railroad tie retaining wall and shrubbery of a single family home located in the 300 block of Grove Street, Ridgewood on Saturday morning, 06/18. The blue, 4-door Toyota Prius came to rest on the front lawn and sidewalk of the well maintained property. Neither the driver nor her adult male passenger were injured in the mishap. A flatbed tow truck extricated the Prius from its predicament and removed it from the scene. Ridgewood Police responded and processed the crash report.

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2 thoughts on “Saturday Morning A Toyota Prius found its Way on to a Well maintained Front Lawn of a Grove Street Home in Ridgewood

  1. My mother always said the streets were for cars and the sidewalks were for people. Front lawns were not mentioned because it seemed obvious. Guess not.

  2. wtf is with these drivers
    yesterday I had TWO different idiots cross the line and almost hit me head on.
    Once on w. glen, once on maltbie

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