Schedler Park and House Grant Timeline
Click Here for the Schedler Park and House Grant Timeline – as reported by the Village Manager at the September 16, 2015 Village Council Public Meeting.
Application to Bergen County Open Space Trust Fund – 2015 Municipal Program
At the September 9, 2015 Village Council there was discussion about the grant application submitted to Bergen County Open Space Trust Fund for the Schedler Park Property – Phase 1.
Click Here Application
Schedler Property Resolutions – August 12 Village Council Public Meeting
Wednesday, August 12th the Village Council discussed the use of the Schedler property. They voted on the following resolutions:
Click Here for Schedler Property Resolution including House
Click Here for Resolution to apply fpr Schedler House Grant
Click Here for Conceptual Map of the park project. The existing structure (460 W. Saddle River Road) is identified by standard architecture/engineering markings. The electrical wire to the house is included. The garage is not identified on this drawing.
If you read the application… seems reasonable.
If the county gives grant money does this mean it becomes a county park?
Kids play on their devices, not on fields….
who, doing cleaning of the park. the parks are down to 3 workers.
Listen to Village meeting recording
At the 24:24 mark woman makes some compelling remarks. The documents prove her statements. Unlike the other speakers blah blah blah.. The Village Manager, Mayor, Council and Attorney have some explaining to do do.