the staff of the Rudgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, Adam Compain grew up in Ridgewood and I’m a former Maroon soccer player (from 1991 – 2004). His father Daniel Compain and he started www.SENDcharity.org
After playing soccer for 8 years with the Ridgewood Maroons, Adam had amassed a closet full of equipment that was not over-used but just outgrown. It was clear that all other players and families in the town, county, and beyond had experienced the same and that there must be a better use for all this equipment. So as a freshman in high school, Adam and his father, Daniel, sought to fix this problem and within two years, SEND had donated over 1,500 articles of equipment, receiving Bergen County’s Humanity Award. Since, the program has been franchised by several committed partners in other communities and expanded to Lacrosse. SEND continues to receive equipment requests from around the globe and is eager for expansion to additional municipalities and sporting categories.
Founded in 2000, the Sports Equipment Neighborhood Drive (SEND) is a charitable 501(c)3 organization that collects and distributes pre-owned sports equipment to those in need.
LEND was formed in 2010 by Lucius De Gregorio, a senior at Delbarton High School. The program was based off of SEND but is focused on lacrosse equipment. LEND works closely with a program in Harlem called Harlem Leadership and Lacrosse. Thousands of pieces of equipment have been collected and brought to Harlem, where it is used to equip other programs and so influence more children, keeping them off the streets and in school.
Our primary donors are the players and families of New Jersey’s Soccer Leagues but SEND also welcomes Lacrosse equipment at specified locations and is expanding to other sporting categories through franchising.
Equipment has been donated to Afghanistan, Cameroon, Haiti, Kenya, Laos, the Philippines, and several programs across the NY/NJ area including Manhattan, Newark, Paterson, Harlem, the Bronx, and other local families.
White people giving USED equipment to Black people?
Uh Oh…. watch out for the Woke Police
Wow trolls will always find reason to turn a good deed into political trolling.