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Sexually Harassment Runs Rampant in the Murphy Administration

Phill Murphy -Sara Medina del Castillo

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Trenton NJ, seems sexually harassment along with criminal convictions is the norm in the Murphy Administration . As we previously reported Katie Brennan has filed a tort claim against the State of New Jersey, the Murphy for Governor campaign, and former Murphy administration official Al Alvarez, whom she has accused of rape. Brennan is seeking damages and an emergent application to change state policies and procedures regarding workplace investigations. Brennan’s attorney Katy McClure said ‘Ms. Brennan is pursuing justice through this lawsuit because I couldn’t get it any other way. She pursued every avenue she could, but waved every red flag she could access, and she was ignored’. The Legislative Select Oversight Committee will continue its hearings this morning at 10:30am, with testimony resuming for Chief of Staff Pete Cammarano and others.

Politico NJ now reports that NJEDA Vice President of Policy and Planning Allison Kopicki has resigned, saying she faced retaliation from members of the administration after speaking to the press regarding claims of a hostile work environment within the Murphy campaign and an incident in which Joe Kelley allegedly threw a chair at Julia Fahl.

8 thoughts on “Sexually Harassment Runs Rampant in the Murphy Administration

  1. Where are all the big mouths now ?

  2. Murphy hiring criminals and rapist

  3. Where is Menendez in all this ?

  4. Murphy hired Aronsohn. Say no more

  5. You don’t need to see his party affiliation.
    These aren’t the sexual predators you’re looking for.
    He can go about his business.
    Move Along.
    – OWK

  6. There (D) is (D) nothing (D) to (D) see (D) here(D).
    Move (D) along (D).

  7. We had the same problem in the villager Ridgewood and they fired the jackass!

  8. This event finally wiped that sickening smirk off Governor Lizard Heads ugly mug.

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