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Siobhan Winograd Collecting Signatures for Planned Ridgewood Village Council Run


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, word is that former Tiffany’s Co. executive-turned-stay-at-home mom Siobhan Winograd is going to run for the Village Council .It has been confirmed that Winograd, a huge supporter of high density housing, is currently  out collecting signatures . Wingrad recently led the charge to remove residents’ ability to vote on the $120 million Ridgewood school budget .

Winograd earned celebrity status in 2014 in something known as the “Soccer Mom ” lawsuit.  Winograd defended her husband’s honor by filing a lawsuit against an unknown woman who badmouthed her youth-coach hubby for “fixing tryouts” and “engaging in misconduct relating to sportsmanship during the season,”

The anonymous accuser continued to send complaints to the Ridgewood soccer organization and others in the local soccer community – and then in January 2014 an ugly email from “” was sent to her hubby’s law firm alleging he was “bullying” the soccer organization, according to the suit.

The lawsuit was covered by the New York post

Using the now famous Wingrad Vegas photo.


56 thoughts on “Siobhan Winograd Collecting Signatures for Planned Ridgewood Village Council Run

  1. Best of luck to Ms. Winograd.

  2. Will she receive an endorsement from her former RHS classmate, Bergen County Commissioner Ramon Hache, Sr.?

  3. If she wins, we’re screwed; big time.

  4. I wish her well.

  5. Far better than our mayor.

  6. She took away our right to vote and is now looking for our vote. That is rich.

  7. Oh boy. She will sit there and cry for everything until she gets her way. She is an entitled child who will lie and cry to get what she wants, disregarding all rules.

  8. So she filed a lawsuit against a soccer mom, filed police reports against other residents, filed a lawsuit against the village to move the election to November so she can run with the support of party bosses??

    1. Remember she has support from the developers. I.e. lots of untraceable money. Just like Paul Vagianos, who never filed reports for his YouTube spend and just like unnamed mailers from one village one vote, there will be anonymous money supporting her.
      If anyone really wants to fix this broken system, then start filing complaint with the state regulators regarding their campaign finance violations.
      Don’t forget they filed complaint against Ramon for nothing. Keep a track of all anonymous mailers, YouTube ads and fake media promotions in tapinto by the democratic party bosses and REPORT REPORT REPORT to the state.
      Also there is still time to report vagianos violations of not reporting YouTube spend.

  9. It is crazy that someone in the community would harass her family over something silly like this soccer thing. No one should have to deal with that BS.

    1. Her husband and her were actually the two that harassed the other parent and the club.

      1. Incorrect.

    2. AND that ‘unknown’ soccer mom who tried to libel Winograd’s husband? She’s not so ‘unknown’.

  10. Yeah. She was doing damage control with the soccer thing because her husband was as corrupt as the day is long.
    We are in deep deep doo doo if she wins
    She’s a pasty for her buddy Ramon and his push for the Bergen county dems.
    God help us.

    1. Corrupt? He should be so interesting.🤣🤣🤣

  11. Time for a change .

    1. While I agree with you (Susan has to go), Winograd is not the answer. You might as well re-elect Paul A. Gwen, and the Puch. She’d been dangerous when teamed with Pam and Paul Vag. The Three Amigos, Part 2.

  12. No thank you, would not be a good direction for the council.

  13. This is why the most worthy among us refuse to run for public office. Some of the comments above are boorish and childish. Clearly, some of the members of the current Council need to move on and should be defeated. Between the conflicts of interest (especially the Mayor), the constant interference in the day-to-day business of the Village, it’s time for a change. Mrs. Winograd may not be the answer, but then who? The former Fire Chief?

    Ridgewood is filled with some brilliant business leaders and professionals. Those who say “it’s not for me” are probably some of the most worthy candidates. If you know someone that would make a great member of the Village Council, convince them to run.

  14. Siobhan is the only person that is continuously at every council meeting and the ONLY one that informs the town what goes on in these meetings (since they refuse to be virtual). No one on the current council makes sure the residents are informed.

    Siobhan also is continuously pushing for the village website (if that’s what we even want to call it) to be updated and more user friendly.

    A lot of people seem to have a problem with her being friends with Ramon but let’s not forget Ramon was 1000% better than our current situation.

    Yes- the high density housing has helped turned Ridgewood away from the village all the 2nd and 3rd generation families loved but Siobhan did not do that on her own. Let’s think about all of the negatives that Knudsen has done to not turn the higher population into a gold mine
    removal of corrals
    veto the pedestrian plaza
    Enforcing permit payments for businesses opening right after covid
    Allowing the recycling to be discontinued in the CBD
    bash the LGBTQ committee making some feel less welcomed than others
    no plan for the empty store fronts in town

    Everyone has a past and when you’ve lived in the town long enough everyone gets a whiff of others dirty laundry. No matter who is collecting signatures I’m sure this website will find something that they’ve done wrong.

  15. I want my school budget vote back!

  16. This woman is certifiably insane. Electing her to the council would be an enormous mistake.

    1. Agree

  17. Just take a look at these 2 creeps…
    Just pathetic

  18. New blood , it’s time.

  19. OMG. Radical far left. Just say no

  20. She’s still pursuing a lawsuit against a neighbor over a youth soccer incident almost 10 years ago? Let it go woman. Not sure this is the type of person we want on the Council. Again. I thought we were rid of the vindictive administration.

  21. Shiobhan was the biggest supporter of high density housing and huge garage.
    Let’s hope those who are worried about crowding in our schools speak up.

  22. The Three Amigos (Siobhan, Pam, Paul Vag), Part 2. Might as well elect Rurik.

  23. While I agree with you (Susan has to go), Winograd is not the answer. You might as well re-elect Paul A. Gwen, and the Puch. She’d been dangerous when teamed with Pam and Paul Vag. The Three Amigos, Part 2.

  24. Can’t wait for the Paul Vag financially supported online rag “Tap Into Ridgewood” to start singing Siobhan’s praises. Get ready for fake news.

  25. Looks like Jason from tapinto is already working for Winograd campaign. Check out their article from today. These are all campaign work, without reporting to the state. Who’s funding tapinto?

    1. We all know who funds Tap Into….Paul Vag. The money trail was REALLY easy to find. The franchise owner was Paul’s campaign manager in his state Senate run, the finance manager for the Ridgewood run works in the campaign managers PR form, all of the advertising was Paul Vag sponsored, etc.

  26. It’s going to be very interesting to see what happens with the Valley Hospital site. Major politics are going to get involved with this one. And not just in Ridgewood this will definitely be county and state will be involved.

    1. And we know where did Shiobhan aligned last time around on Valley, garage and high density. Gwen-Paul combo will be repeated now will Shiobhan-Paul.

      1. I just threw up in my mouth.

      2. Well, Gwen -Paul relationship is official now. I hope SW doesn’t have to do what GH did to get her agenda approved.. hopefully, SW can just cry and moan to get what she wants.

    2. What is the plan for Valley. I’ve heard different things.

    3. Aren’t they going to keep the ER and outpatient services? What’s the real plan?

  27. All we can say is this is going to be good.

  28. Tap Into Ridgewood (paid for by Paul Vag) has already started the Siobhan propaganda machine shamelessly featuring her son as a superman student at RHS and in the community. Maybe his is a great kid (probably is), but the timing of the article reeks of election propaganda and influence.

  29. I lost all respect for Ms. Winograd when she publicly suggested that a local resident was a child predator, in the absence of any facts at all to support her hypothesis.

  30. I have observed that she is very uncomfortable being near anyone whose skin color is different than hers.

  31. She is the builders (Saraceno) pick. Just in time for decision on the Valley space.

  32. Maybe the new mayor & council will fix our situation that we’re dealing with each and every day with the yard waste crews. We need employees desperately. This is getting to be ridiculous now.

    1. I’ve lived here 30 years and NEVER had an issue with our sanitation workers. Yes, they have occasionally missed picking up my garbage but whenever I call, they quickly send out a truck to come and retrieve it. Our sanitation workers are the best (even when they are working shorthanded).

  33. Can we talk about her out-of-contol censorship of the Ridgewood Mom and Dads FB page? If anyone has a differing POV than Ms Winograd and her biddies, they are kicked out of the group (my offense was wanting to keep the BoE budget vote separate from general elections). She prohibits political discussion yet posts TapInto articles that explicitly support her friends. She’s downright dangerous. WTF?

    1. Yes!!! She is a bully. If you don’t agree with her opinion, you are automatically removed from that group. She is a nightmare and not what we need by any means of anyones imagination

  34. Wow. You all have a lot of courage to bad mouth people while posting anonymously. What a bunch of losers.

    1. 😂😂just like you did

  35. Why can’t we get somebody that is nice and friendly and well regarded to run?

    1. Because those types don'[t want to stick their necks into this………….

  36. Anyone, and yes, I do mean anyone, would be better than Van Goor!

  37. No I don’t think there’s a problem with the sanitation workers, there’s a problem with not enough staffing on yard waste. Supposedly the Word on the street is that they’re utilizing four full-time employees to do for seasonal employee work. Why haven’t they replaced the yard waste employees that have quit ,we don’t know. We think the mayor counseling need to put involved with this. They’re not probably informed that they are understaffed. We the taxpayers demanding that all departments be fully staffed. That were paying taxes for.

  38. Should a resident be praised for attending council meetings regularly when all she does there is to whine in a baby voice and harass and insult the council, never proposing anything constructive? Might as well give the President’s Medal to Halaby, then.

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