by the staff of The Ridgewood Blog
Ridgewood NJ, Reports from The Ridgewood Blog’s field staff indicate that skateboarders seemed to have grown tired of being chased from the Hudson Street Parking Garage by Ridgewood police officers, and have now set their sights on the newly opened parking garage/lot at The Benjamin, a high-density housing complex located at 1 Franklin Avenue.
Several teenaged skateboarders were observed at The Benjamin on Monday afternoon, much to the displeasure of at least one employee (or tenant), who reportedly tried unsuccessfully to chase them away.
Our guess is that the frequency of visits to the Hudson Street Garage by Ridgewood police officers has pushed the skateboarders elsewhere. Let’s see if this lasts, and if the rest of the teenagers move someplace else too.
Can you blame them they wanna have fun. This is the 70s all over again. Just maybe the village should build a permanent skateboard Park, it’s a lot cheaper than all this bullshit they’re dealing with pickle ball fiasco. It’s all over the news prime Time, give me a break. It’s pickle ball
There is a permanent skateboard park. It’s right next to Graydon Pool.
No it’s not permanent they disassemble it in full time for the hockey league. And that is not a skateboard ramp, it’s falling apart people get hurt way too small. That’s good for practicing beginners .The one across the highway at the new Park plenty a room no excuse. And they do have the money.
Town is broke… Ridgewood is dead broke in more ways than one.. gone forever!
Dead broke Who was telling you that. Are you crazy. Don’t be fooled
There are a LOT of local kids who skateboard or scooter and have inquired about making the skatepark year round. They’re good kids but that skatepark is a bit of a joke for many and they are going to move on to more local attractions.
I hope they don’t get hurt but I hope they have fun. Good for them not sitting on a video game all day.
Thats got to be one of the ugliest buildings ever.
When approaching train station driving down W. Ridgewood ave/wilsey square, the top of the building has all of the mechanical HVAC stuff visible.
Put up a fucking Parapet so we don’t have to look at it.
It’s a great looking building, I think that every time I pass it. It fits in with the downtown. Many did not want it built but it is here and looking good. The impact of residents on town is another story.
Skateboarders are an insurance liability. Pedestrians , parked cars and the property owner are at risk. Skateboarders (and their parents) should look for a safe outlet.
The article is not entirely correct – they are not only in the parking lot, but skating down the steps that lead to the lobby on the Chestnut side of the building. It’s only a matter of time before they come flying down the stairs while someone is walking out of the building. It’s a HUGE liability issue and the property owner would be well within their rights to have these kids trespassed from the property. I am a renter in the building and am very happy that our management is taking this seriously. These kids have plenty of other options that do not include creating a dangerous situation for people trying to leave their homes. They are causing property damage and disturbing the peace of the renters on that side of the building. I’m all for kids having fun and being outside, but there are limits to what they are allowed to do and this is simply unacceptable.
A permanent skatepark with REAL ramps and space would be ideal. Of course, skaters will always skate street and there’s no stopping that. The whole philosophy behind the skateboarding of the past was to be creative and use what’s in front of you. It’s a shame that people in this town do not see it as a sport… the Olympic committee has, and I hope that will help people to be a little more open-minded to sports for individuals. Not all sports include a LAX stick or a tennis racquet.
The building is a hideous eyesore that will only get worse as it decomposes. Looks to be made out of plastic. FAR too close to the street–should not have been allowed. Total ugh.
There used to be a few indoor skateparks, one just over the border in NY and one in Pinebrook, both closed, these businesses provided great skateboard ramps, half-pipes, a round drop in, and a skate shop, food,etc. great places to take young enthusiasts. Currently, most decent skateboarders have to go to Hoboken or NY city for a good park. There is definitely a business opportunity here.
welcome to east montclair
It’s all about “the Benjamin$” in Ridgewood and Bergen County.
Where the Hell is all of the highest taxes in the Country money going?!!
Bake sales and fund raisers for an unnecessary library reconstruction.🙄 100+ k high tech Police suvs that the cops spend 95% of their time sitting in with the A/C cranked, seemingly chatting it up on their cell phones…or tailing drivers around town who have non-late model mercedes or BMWs, illegally running their plates, fishing for warrants or other municipal violations.
Maybe the community should focus more on the opiote pandemic…the thousands of Bergen County youth addicted to heroin and oxycodone, and less on kids engaged in a healthy activity like skateboarding.
But, yeah, in Suburbia, the rule is NIMBY …not in my back yard, it’s not cool to acknowledge the real and ongoing problems like drug addiction, homelessness, and untreated/inadequately treated mental illness.
It’s no surprise that Bergen County heads up the State and the Country in its exodus of long time residents.
Their moving out of state in record numbers to States with affordable housing, lower taxes, and real services to show for what their tax bursen is.
“lower taxes, and real services ”
Does not compute. How do you think those real services are funded?
And if you’re moving to a red state to get away from opiate abuse, boy have I got news for you…..
what “services” ???