photo also courtesy of Saurabh Dani
April 30,2016
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ , A special election will be held in June on the size of a proposed multi-level parking garage in Ridgewood on Hudson street. The June 21 was chosen because it falls within a date range officials were required to hold a special election.
Dani goes on ,”My guess – some of them want to distract the residents from real issues – i.e. Valley, conflict of interest, High density housing, and lack of comprehensive master plan.”
Saurabh Dani , “the council had 20 days to act from yesterday (April 27th), as per their bond attorney. They could have easily waited until May 11th to make a decision. Depending on the outcome of the election on May 10th, they could have decided if a special election is really needed. They just wanted to cause a distraction and make a big deal out of special election, so they went ahead on the day of certification to call for a special election on June 21. The mayor had press release ready to circulate when he came for the meeting, while the village clerk had not even announced the results of the certification.”
will i be able to vote for NO GARAGE on Hudson street?
addl parking should be placed closer to the center of the CBD if built at all. Spread out two or three 1 story parking decks over existing parking lots.
If it is true that the council had 20 days to decide on special election and they could have waited until May 11th, then they are the most irresponsible council members on our village.
What do they gain with this?
If the referendum is voted down, then they loose.
If the referendum is voted yes, the new council can still decide to only build a 4 level garage.
The council removed the text of “4 level 5 story from the referendum question”. The vote will not bind the new council for a 5 story garage. So they have gained NOTHING by expediting this election. It’s just serving their egos and costing the tax payers 45K.
If they did not go out of their way to confuse voters on the first vote this would not be necesary.
Gwenn and Roberta were on Facebook telling residents that the size would be determined with resident input.
They limited input to their predetermined sizes. They did not listen to residents.
10:12. The village cannot afford three garages
These current politicians are creeps
Look at the conditions of the current Surface lots , all mis managed and neglected ,in terms of maintenance and upkeep.why do we think anything would change if we build Garagezilla..?
Bingo at 10:47. They thought they were being crafty and instead changed the whole referendum question…
Gwenn told someone at the train station last November JUST VOTE YES AND WE WILL WORRY ABOUT THE DETAILS LATER. Yes, this is true, it was bullying and it was dishonest. The resident came to a meeting and stated this.
1:33pm. I have screen grabs of Gwenn and Roberta’s messages on Facebook claiming that the design is not final before the Nov vote. Yet Roberta issued orders to the architect to start construction documents for Plan A. – It costed tax payers 122K in change orders.