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Specially Equipped Van Transporting a Wheelchair-bound Passenger Hits Tree on Paramus Road

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photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Paramus NJ, The adult female driver of a specially equipped van transporting a wheelchair-bound passenger was seriously injured in a Monday afternoon, 10/21, crash in the 700 block of Paramus Road, Paramus. The driver was headed northbound on Paramus Road when she lost control of the van and hit a tree head-on. The wheelchair-bound passenger was apparently uninjured in the mishap. The driver was transported by ambulance to The Valley Hospital. A flatbed tow truck removed the wrecked van from the scene. Paramus Police, a Paramus EMS supervisor, a paramedic team from The Valley Hospital, and a BLS ambulance from New Bridge Medical Center responded to aid the crash victims.

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One thought on “Specially Equipped Van Transporting a Wheelchair-bound Passenger Hits Tree on Paramus Road

  1. Thanks Boyd for the invasion of privacy for a handicapped individual having a shitty day.
    Good job.
    Now go get a life.

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