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Storm Update as of 9:00 PM


Storm Update as of 9:00 PM
July 3,2014
Boyd A. Loving
9:08 PM 

Reports from around Ridgewood – 

Ridgewood NJ, The HoHoKus Brook has overflowed into the Graydon South parking lot, Vets Field, the RHS Athletic Field, and is beginning to encroach on the parking lot at the rear of Village Hall & the Ridgewood Public Library.

Several reports were received by Ridgewood PD that lawn chairs were seen floating down East Ridgewood Avenue into the intersection at Maple.  Similar reports were received about chairs in the middle of the intersection of Franklin and North Maple Avenues.

Trees down on Corona Place, several motor vehicles were damaged.

Reports of tree limbs down on Waverley Place and Norman Drive.

No reports received yet about conditions along the Saddle River.

Stay safe everyone.


3 thoughts on “Storm Update as of 9:00 PM

  1. Wheres the Robo Call?

  2. Thank you for this update. We live in Ridgewood and are away and your post is the only up to date info we have seen.

  3. NO MORE ROBOCALLS. The sound of Aronsohn’s voice on my phone constitutes a family emergency unto itself. All he ever did was blame PSE&G anyway–I can live without that when dealing with an emergency.

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