photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, Ridgewood Police issued one (1) summons in connection with a two (2) vehicle, Wednesday morning, 02/14, collision at the intersection of East Ridgewood Avenue and North Irving Street, in Ridgewood. The driver of a black colored Tesla involved in the crash was transported by ambulance to The Valley Hospital with non-life threatening wrist and back injuries. Both vehicles were towed from the scene. Ridgewood Fire Department/EMS also responded to the incident.
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The new street sign posts look like cheap garbage.
No doubt it was the distraction factor of the eyesore sign than lead to the crash.
Runner-up post of the day !
How about putting some salt down on the street?
Blame anybody but the driver.
Personal Responsibility is for losers.
They were driving a Tesla and are exempt from personal responsibility. Does your car fart on command? I don’t think so.
as the black car in the accident, the other driver blew the stop sign and ran right into me i had the right away and he was issued a ticket
Ice on the road doesn’t help. The salter was out too late.
Interesting observation. The roads look black and dry to me…
Not sure there were any roads with ice after the storm, town did a great job plowing. No need for more salt that just rips up the road.
This area is notorious for people cutting through at high speeds to avoid traffic lights. Not the first nor the last accident at this intersection.