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Supreme Court Strikes Down NY Concealed Handgun Law : Phil Murphy Still Doesn’t Get it

Phill Murphy -Sara Medina del Castillo

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, when famously asked by Tucker Carlson ,“By what authority did you nullify the Bill of Rights in issuing this order? How do you have the power to do that? Phil Murphy responded , “That’s above my pay grade, Tucker, so I wasn’t thinking of the Bill of Rights when I did this.”

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Supreme Court strikes down NY concealed handgun law and now Governor Phil Murphy has become a scholar :

Statement from Governor Phil Murphy on the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association Inc. v. Bruen:
“Based on a deeply flawed constitutional methodology, a right-wing majority on the United States Supreme Court has just said that states can no longer decide for ourselves how best to limit the proliferation of firearms in the public sphere. Let there be no mistake – this dangerous decision will make America a less safe country. 
“But let me be equally clear that, here in New Jersey, we will do everything in our power to protect our residents. Anticipating this decision, my Administration has been closely reviewing options we believe are still available to us regarding who can carry concealed weapons and where they can carry them. We are carefully reviewing the Court’s language and will work to ensure that our gun safety laws are as strong as possible while remaining consistent with this tragic ruling.”
The Supreme Court’s recent decision declared New York’s “proper-cause” requirement to their gun carry permit was a violation of the 14th and 2ndamendment. New York identified “proper-cause” as someone who can demonstrate a special need for self-protection distinguishable from that of the general community.

Krenar Camili, Esq . explains the constitutional reality for New Jersey’s under paid governor :

In New Jersey, in order to obtain a carriers permit, an individual must provide a justifiable need. New Jersey defines a “justifiable need” as evidenced by specific threats or previous attacks which demonstrate a special danger.”

Said differently, New York and New Jersey do not allow individuals to obtain a permit to carry unless they can prove there is some special reason above an beyond general protection to have it.

It is therefore fair to expect that New Jersey’s “justifiable need” requirement will inevitably be struck down as unconstitutional and in violation of the 2nd and 14th amendment. The Supreme Court has reminded the nation that they are mostly constitutional originalists that will read the Constitution as written and are unwilling to interpret it.

As stated in the opinion, “It is undisputed that…two ordinary, law-abiding, adult citizens are part of ‘the people’ whom the Second Amendment protects…[and] ‘the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed’”

9 thoughts on “Supreme Court Strikes Down NY Concealed Handgun Law : Phil Murphy Still Doesn’t Get it

  1. “…my Administration has been closely reviewing options we believe are still available to us regarding who can carry concealed weapons and where they can carry them…”
    It’s clear that in NJ, just as in NYC, the criminal element are the ones who are allowed to carry concealed weapons, whereas the law abiding are not even allowed handguns to protect ourselves. Murphy and his president are f*ck-wit dictators.

    (except for this.)

    1. Please read and understand the Constitution as written before making constitutional comments and embarrassing yourself.

      In establishing American government’s power-sharing system of federalism, the Bill of Rights’ 10th Amendment holds that all rights and powers not specifically reserved to Congress by Article I, Section 8, of the Constitution or to be shared concurrently by the federal and state governments are reserved by either the states or by the people.

      In order to prevent the states from claiming too much power, the Constitution’s Supremacy Clause (Article VI, Clause 2) holds that all laws enacted by the state governments must comply with the Constitution, and that whenever a law enacted by a state conflicts with a federal law, the federal law must be applied.

    2. right to bear arms is in the constitution and therefore not a “states rights” issue.

  3. Law abiding citizens in NJ who wish to own a hand gun and conceal carry are finally on their way to owning one.
    Screw idiot Murphy who thinks he can overrule the US Supreme Court.
    Go after the criminals Murphy and get off the backs of law abiding citizens.

  4. Completely off the rails.
    The Supreme Court has spoken. The governor is in no position to deny the citizens of NJ their constitutional rights. This “dangerous decision” is a protected means for law-abiding citizens to protect themselves from the criminal element. The phrase “dangerous decision” may not be invoked as a talismanic incantation to justify any exercise of state power. Implicit in the concept of public safety is the right of law-abiding people to use firearms and their magazines that make them work to protect themselves, their families, their homes, and their state against all armed enemies, foreign and domestic. To borrow a phrase, it would indeed be ironic if, in the name of public safety and reducing gun violence, statutes were permitted to subvert the publics second amendment rights- which may repel criminal gun violence and which ultimately ensure the safety of the republic.

  5. Leftists think the law-abiding citizenry is the problem and that they are separate from and elevated above the citizenry. It’s that simple. He would never dream of the people who provide his security (public and private) giving up their “weapons of war”.

  6. Concealed carry lowers violent crime. John Lott, More Guns Less Crime.

  7. Dictator Murphy was from Massachusetts
    Its a strict state as well HOWEVER its up to a local Chief to issue a concealed carry, with restrictions for all lawful purposes, or limited to target and hunting.
    Some Chiefs don’t give them so all you have to do is appeal to superior court.
    So ask Beaver teeth… with the same population as NJ why has the state of MA turned into wild west?
    Because HONEST law abiding gun owners don’t commit crime.
    He was asked to provide a list of serial numbers from guns obtained at arrests of criminals.. he won’t do it because NONE of the guns were obtained legally!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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