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Taxpayers are frustrated by many of Councilwoman Pamela Perron’s actions

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by the staff of The Ridgewood Blog
Ridgewood NJ, exactly what the heck is up with Councilwoman Pamela Perron?  Is she for real?  Does she think before she speaks?

On inauguration day, she started her tenure out on an absolutely terrible note by thanking Jeff Voigt for his assistance in familiarizing her with the workings of the Village Council.  Seriously?  She voluntarily received guidance from Jeff Voigt?  Mr. “Douchebag” himself?  The same man who filed criminal harassment complaints (all of which were summarily dismissed by a judge) against several taxpayers because they submitted OPRA requests for his official correspondence?  The same man who verbally harassed a taxpayer at a local hardware store (a documented incident that resulted in a response by 3 uniformed police officers)?  She asked this man for advice?  Really?  STRIKE 1.
Next, during the month of September, 2020, she began to spread misinformation regarding the “One Village, One Vote” initiative by insisting that moving local school board election to the month of November would not negate taxpayers’ ability to vote on the school budget.  This exclusive post from The Ridgewood Blog summarizes her actions:
Not so; moving the local school board election to November will now result in there being no opportunity for taxpayers to vote on the school budget.  STRIKE 2.
And just this week, she claims that she was not provided with sufficient facts to cast an informed vote on the municipal budget, but yet cast a vote of “no.”  Huh?  Didn’t get the facts, but she did cast a “no” vote instead of abstaining?  WTF?  Ugh!  STRIKE 3.

Clearly, it’s high time for Ms. Perron to get a checkup from the neck up (thanks to Don Imus).


39 thoughts on “Taxpayers are frustrated by many of Councilwoman Pamela Perron’s actions

  1. Well said!

  2. She says whatever her master wants her to say, and they both have no shame in admitting it.
    Her master goes on to brag, how she can get things done through her agent Pam.

  3. Say what you want but at least she didn’t vote with Susan !

    Who’s worse 😱?

  4. Too late to complain. It was crystal clear heading into the election she would be a disaster for this town. Those who voted for her need to own it!

  5. She is one of the only ones standing up to a mayor who has her own agenda and is not listening to community sentiment at all.

  6. BLOCK VOTE. Only the names change.

    1. what was the alternative budget solution?

  7. Your post is way out of line
    She and Walsh did that right thing and told the truth by voting no on that budget
    It’s was slammed though with that Defunding of the EMT with zero studies on cost,labor and safety
    The complete sham of a budget was voted in by
    Block voted to raise taxes 6.2 percent
    Municipal and school
    With 2
    More paid fire fighters (when they got 1 in December 2020
    And less first Responders
    It was wrong in every level and they own it
    They would not answer emails
    Questions and withheld information from the Village
    Many people stated we were against this unfounded plan which clearly makes RIdgewood less safe
    Voted yes
    Against the wishes of the Village

    1. once you give up your right to vote on the school budget ,(fyi the council has nothing to do with the school budget) , you give up your right to complain about tax increases , beside people in Ridgewood brag about paying high taxes all the time

  8. Educated honest taxpayer sounds like someone whose relatives will be losing thousands of dollars in income when the per diem EMT program ends. Right?

  9. James
    There was no alternative budget solution
    Only the addenda
    Of Knudsen
    Who blocked voted to Defund the EMT
    And hire two more firefighters at taxpayer expense of an additional $200000
    While hiking our taxes up 6.2 percent which includes School!!
    Despite massive outcry from the Villsge
    They ignored us via non transparency
    No communication with the residents at all many unanswered emails
    Phone calls
    They are public servants
    Not tyrants
    Come November
    We will remember
    Or sooner

    1. 2 new firefights , minus EMT’s, does not equal 4.3 % budget increase

  10. Anonymous
    Sounds like he is a coward in not placing his name on untruthful posts
    My email is based in facts
    I did my research
    Slid the Defund the EMT
    Against 100 percent pubic out cry
    And zero facts presented to prove their point
    They don’t like the truth
    Perron and Walsh did the right thing
    By voting no in that budget
    I know what you don’t know

  11. Perron is nothing more than Jeff Voigt part deux. Let the insanity begin.

  12. Bottom line is that some people will be losing income as a result of the budget being approved and they’re pissed.

  13. Hey James
    An increase of 4.3
    Justifies a hiring freeze in two more Firefighters we do not need
    They also got one in December 2020
    Rooney was asked by Council woman
    How much two firefighters would cost
    Rooney The Village budget manager answered
    $37000 plus Bennies!!!!
    A vague first grade answer
    He never stated nor posted the exact bennies despite he was asked to do so
    This while the EMT was fully funded by ambulance calls not taxpayer s
    This misinformation while pushing a tax increase is astonishing
    Never asked
    Nor even cared to ask

    1. FYI there is way more to the story and 2 Fire fighters salaries minus the EMT stipend is a drop in the bucket

  14. I am appalled by recent council decisions. Our mayor has become someone who has her own personal agenda and it is sometimes vindictive.

  15. Three members of the board took advice from the public safety professional and two decided to ignore. How is that a vindictive agenda of the mayor? Two said they didn’t have enough information after three months of budget meetings. Really? Perron is either lying or incompetent.

  16. Come November
    We will remember

    Nonsense..the sheep will vote the same way so they have something to complain about

  17. To the people who keep bringing up the cost of 2 fire fighters, there is a simple solution to your problem. Move to a town that has a volunteer Fire Department.

    And after you have made your move be sure YOU become a Volunteer Fire Fighter yourself, instead of expecting others to Volunteer so you can save a few dollars in your property taxes. If you don’t become a Volunteer then your just a leach sucking off of the labor of others.

  18. Politics aside, Pam Perron is a lovely and smart women and I am happy to call her a friend.

  19. Hey Educated Taxpayer,

    You claimed……”Knudsen
    Slid the Defund the EMT
    Against 100 percent pubic out cry”

    Are you a pathological liar or did you just ask the Per Diem EMTs their opinion on the budget and no one else?

  20. Walsh and Perron were in on all of the budget discussions. How ridiculous that they then turn around and vote against it. It would’ve been a big disaster if it had failed, and they knew it wasn’t going to fail, so they were simply grandstanding. Now they can tell everybody they didn’t vote for it, when in fact they were in on all of the discussions that developed this budget. I have no respect for either one of them.

  21. ‘Sometimes it’s vindictive’? Ha.

  22. “Anonymous
    Sounds like he is a coward in not placing his name on untruthful posts…”

    (posted by “Educated Taxpayer”)

    So… are you admitting that YOU are a coward?
    Or is your legal name “Educated Taxpayer” ?

    Or perhaps “Educated Taxpayer” is a nick-name and your legal name is “Pompous Hypocrite”

  23. Walsh and Peron are no heroes. They voted to defund the all emts and everything else. They came to a meeting unprepared and then engaged in shameless grandstanding.
    We should be grateful the other three do their homework and are willing to make tough decisions on our behalf.
    Good thing the mayor called out Peron for voting no after saying she didn’t have enough information to vote. Thank you to Lorraine Mike and Susan

  24. Walsh and Peron are no heroes. They voted to defund the emts and everything else. They admitted to coming to a meeting unprepared and then engaged in shameless grandstanding.
    We should be grateful the other three do their homework and are willing to make tough decisions on our behalf.
    Good thing the mayor called out Peron for voting no after saying she didn’t have enough information to vote. Sharp observation. Thank you to Lorraine Mike and Susan

  25. Bernadette Walsh and Pam Perron are dangerous for Ridgewood. Both acted recklessly and failed us by putting popularity over responsible governance.
    According to both they were not informed about the budget even though the budget hearings started in the beginning of the year. The Ridgewood website shows lots of budget meetings took place. Isnt it their job to be informed. What kind of pathetic excuse? Do they think everyone is stupid?
    If a third person voted against the budget, what then? Does Perron even understand the consequences of her behavior? Does Walsh?
    I’m asking a question. What would have happened if Knudsen participated in the charade. What happens to public safety and services or paving if one of the other three decided it was more fun to be popular? Tree planting? Trash collection? What happens? Does anyone know?

    Sedon said it best.

  26. Walsh never said she was unprepared she challenged the budget every single time it was discussed and said she wouldn’t vote for a budget over 4%. She also challenged Rooney in his numbers and he said he’d get back to her. Watch the budget videos or just keep blathering on.

  27. To the person who suggested that people move to a town with a volunteer fire department ……

    Between volunteer and overstaffed/highly paid there is an ideal fire department staff Headcount and budget.

    I do admire volunteers. I grew up in a town with volunteer firefighters. They did a stellar job as volunteers. they are not called upon very often. We also had a volunteer ambulance corp that handled medical.

    volunteer firefighters Don’t handle medical calls. Days go by where they are not called upon. Our fire department answers all manner of calls, most not fire. What would they do all day if they did not answer medical calls? They are morphing into an Emergency Services dept.

  28. She’s easy on the eyes that’s for sure.

  29. Walsh is driven by one thing. She hates Susan

    Perron is driven by Halaby, Lehman, Johnson and Voigt petting her and telling her she is the second coming of Christ

    Neither of these two elected officials have the best interest of Ridgewood at heart

    But then again you have Knudsen whose only driving force seems to be revenge against anyone who ever crossed her

    And Reynolds who just says yes yes yes to Knudsen

    Which leaves us with Sedon who in my opinion is a good guy, a smart guy, but sadly I don’t think he will run again.

  30. “Walsh would not vote for a budget increase over 4%”? What’s the logic there? That’s like saying: “spend it on anything you want to, so long as you don’t go over my magic number.” Proving my point that Walsh is an idiot as much as Perron is.

  31. Bernadette “I want to be mayor” Walsh. Give it rest Bernadette.

  32. Let’s discuss the budget regarding overtime in the police, and our departments. We would like to know that amount.
    Then let’s talk about the stipends throughout the village, who is receiving them ,and for what, and the amount.
    Then let’s talk about the pickle ball crew , rice notices.
    I remember my fellow village friends the village does whatever they would like, same old story.

  33. Fat ass you are so right. The overtime budget in the police department, in the body appointment is at Regis. I’m sure combined they are over $1 million. Ridiculous. Yes four The pickle ball situation, the mayor and Deputy mayor better remove these two idiots before the village has a major lawsuit.

  34. RE:
    “She’s easy on the eyes that’s for sure.”

    Vinny Gambini: Whoa. How long you been wearing glasses?

    Anonymous: Since I was 6.

    Vinny Gambini: Have they always been that thick.

    Anonymous: No. They’ve gotten thicker over the years.

    Vinny Gambini: So, as your eyes become more and more out of whack, as you’ve gotten older, how many levels of thickness have you gone through?

    Anonymous: I don’t know, over 60 years, maybe 10 times.

    Vinny Gambini: Maybe you’re ready for a thicker set.

  35. Yes they ridiculous in the police department and fire department. they need to tell us the amount.

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