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Teaneck Man files Lawsuit Against Boards of Elections in Two New Jersey Counties for Methodology of Voting Machine Accuracy

Vote Ridgewood NJ

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Teaneck NJ, a Bergen County from Teaneck man has filed lawsuits against boards of elections in two New Jersey counties, claiming they have refused his OPRA requests to view ballot test reports used to determine the logic and accuracy of voting machines.

Yehuda Miller, filed suit against Bergen and Atlantic counties, claiming in court papers that elections officials have responded to his Open Public Records Act filings, but refused to provide the information he’s requested.

“They’re claiming the information is proprietary,” said attorney Walter Luers, who filed a lawsuit on behalf of Miller against the Bergen County Board of Elections. “Transparency is the cure for conspiracy,” Miller said. “While I believe our elections should be conducted Amish style, paper ballots with hand count, if we are going to use electronic equipment it should be as transparent as possible.”

The lawsuit lists the Bergen County Board of Elections, Superintendents of Elections Debra Francica and Jamie Sheehan-Willis, Chairman and Commissioner of the Board of Elections Richard Miller, secretary of the Board of Elections Denise Ross, Commissioners of the Board of Elections Margaret Frontera, Jamie Lagana, Angela Malagiere and John Schettino, and Bergen County Clerk John Hogan.

In early April Bergen County will borrow $15 million to replace its 30-year-old voting machines in time for the June 6 primary election.

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