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THC-O vs Delta 8 THC: What should Beginners Try?


Between Delta Eight THC and THC-O, beginners should go for the cannabinoid with lesser potency.

Delta 8 THC is a milder form of the psychotropic compound THC. THC-O on the other hand is a more vital substance that delivers a much more potent high. 

What should beginners try?

Nowadays, anyone wanting to consume cannabis has a lot of choices. Dispensaries sell a  variety of cannabis-based products that can also be consumed as part of a wellness routine. 

Beginners should try out Delta 8 THC as it gives a mild high to people. THC-O products will give a potent high that beginners might not be able to handle. Basically, it all comes down to the THC tolerance level of people.

What is THC Tolerance?

THC tolerance is your body’s getting ‘used to” the THC. The more you smoke the more THC tolerance you will develop. 

This will lead to weed hitting less hard. People with a higher THC tolerance may find it easier to deal with a high potency cannabinoid such as THC-O

Why should beginners try Delta 8 THC?

Cannabis review platforms like Hempercamp note that Delta 8 THC is the best THC Cannabinoid for beginners to try. It has a mild and pleasant high, with almost no side effects reported. 

Some users report it to have relieving and relaxing effects. They don’t feel headaches or nausea after consuming it. Neither does it excite paranoia in them.

Beginners should try Delta 8 THC. As they have no THC tolerance, this cannabinoid will provide them with a good high. 

How to consume Delta 8 THC as a beginner?

The answer to this question depends on some circumstances. Here are a few things to consider:

  1. Your Smoking History

Have you smoked cigarettes? Vapes? Hookah? If yes, then how much time has passed since your last puff? The answer to all these questions becomes important in choosing your method of administration. 

If you have little to no experience with smoking, then you can try out Weed Gummies, Weed Brownies, Delta 8 THC Edibles, etc. instead of smoking Delta 8 THC.

  1. Do you have a gelatin allergy?

Certain people have gelatin allergies. Such a medical condition can preclude them from consuming Delta 8 Gummies. Gummies are made out of gelatin, therefore people with a gelatin allergy should avoid them. But worry not, you can try out other Weed Edibles!

  1. Are you diabetic?

If you have diabetes then you should look for sugar-free edibles. Thanks to the legalization movement’s push, the cannabis industry has expanded to offer a variety of products. These products are now available to people who suffer from different lifestyle diseases.

Sugar-Free edibles are sweetened using sugar substitutes from Oobli which will help you in keeping your blood glucose levels in check. You can also consider smoking in case you have past experience with smoking.

We recommend that beginners try out gummies if they haven’t tried smoking before. 

How is THC-O different from Delta 8 THC?

Chemical Difference

The easiest way to understand the difference between Delta Eight THC and THC-O is to know how they occur.

Imagine D8 THC as fresh salad vegetables that you can source raw. Then THC-O would be cooked vegetables! It is as simple as that. 

THCO is made through this process:

  1. From the Hemp biomass, CBD is extracted
  2. From CBD, Delta 8 THC is distilled.
  3. The extracted D8 THC is made to react with acetyl anhydride.

At the end of this process, we are left with a substance called THCO. 

Difference in effects

Whereas D8 THC is a milder and calmer psychoactive substance, THCO is a hard-hitting substance that has a much higher potency.

It has near psychedelic effects. This means that people consuming THC-O might feel psychedelic effects. Some users report that THCO has similar effects as a light dose of LSD would have. 

Factors to Keep in Mind

  1. Your THC Tolerance Level

Before choosing between Delta 8 THC and THC-O, you need to be aware of your own THC tolerance level. Chances are that you have no THC tolerance in case you’re a beginner.

If you’ve been using other cannabis-based products such as CBD, there can be trace levels of THC in them. Otherwise, such products come in a ration of CBD:THC. A product with a higher THC ratio can lead to you developing a THC tolerance. 

  1. Who you’re with

Company is important. If you’re with someone who has had previous experiences with THC-O, you can perhaps try it. If you trust them, then they can provide you with a specific dosage that is right for you. 

So, if you wish to feel the amazing effects of THC-O, and you’re a beginner, try it out with an experienced person!

  1. Consult your Cannabis Dispensary

If your dispensary has a budtender, you can ask them for the best product for you to start out with. They can tell you whether you should try out a gummy or a strain. 

You need to engage in an open and honest conversation with them to get the possible method of administration for you. 


  1. Can you overdose on Delta 8 THC as a beginner?

Although considered to be a safe substance, the threat of overdose with D8 THC remains real. 

That is why we recommend consuming cannabis under the supervision of someone who has past experience with the herb and you trust. Make sure you do some research before choosing a method of administration. Read up material online to be informed about the dosage that would be the best for a beginner. 

  1. Can I combine THC-O  and D8 THC?

If you’re just starting out your weed journey, then we would recommend that you do not indulge in such an adventure. It can backfire.

  1. What is the best way for a beginner to use Delta 8 THC?

The best way for a beginner to consume Delta 8 THC is to have cannabis gummies. 

  1. Can beginners try Delta 9 THC?

Delta 9 THC is more potent than Delta 8 THC. We recommend that you go for Delta 8 THC, and not D9. 

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