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The Deputy Mayor Albert Pucciarelli called Marcia Ringel’s statement last night at the Village Council meeting a “slanderous personal attack”


file photo Village Council by Boyd Loving

The Deputy Mayor Albert Pucciarelli called Marcia Ringel’s statement last night at the Village Council meeting a “slanderous personal attack” 

The Deputy Mayor Albert Pucciarelli called Marcia Ringel’s statement last night at the Village Council meeting a “slanderous personal attack” on the Village Attorney Mathew Rogers according to videotape of the meeting on the Village website. He added “perhaps he can sue you”.

We know that Mr. Rogers can’t sue Ms. Ringel. A standard defense to defamation is privilege. When the defendant is a certain type of public official or the statement was during certain official proceedings, the
statement was “privileged” and therefore the plaintiff cannot successfully sue for slander.

However, Ms. Ringel may be able to sue Mr. Pucciarelli for slander. Ironically, after Mayor Aronsohn admonished the tone of Ms. Ringel’s statements and asked everyone from now on to “put aside accusations” and also “put aside personal attacks”, Mr. Pucciarelli could not stop himself. He said Ms. Ringel is “a very angry person” and is “loose with the truth”. I think Mr. Pucciarelli himself would agree he committed slander.
I guess it’s up to Ms. Ringel to decide if she wants to sue or just get an apology for this slanderous personal attack by Mr. Pucciarelli. We will see at the next meeting or before. To paraphrase, “If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the Village Council.”

Watch our elected officials in action here:

Ringel statement begins shortly after 9 minutes.

Pucciarelli response begins at around 13 minutes. He goes into a spin like John Belushi in one of the characters he used to do during the news segment of SNL where he fell off his chair at the end.

10 thoughts on “The Deputy Mayor Albert Pucciarelli called Marcia Ringel’s statement last night at the Village Council meeting a “slanderous personal attack”

  1. He is pretty prickley for a man in politics.

  2. Pucciarelli is a fool with thin skin he should not be where he is.

  3. Pucciarelli was out of control, screaming, flailing his arms, his tan was turning beet red and his rug went sideways. Not what we want to see on the dais.

  4. Be careful folks where you run with this.

    Lawyers are careful when they put their criticism of a resident on the Record. Mr. Pucciarelli is a fair minded atty. and knows where the line is.

  5. jjj:

    Pucciarelli is a fool with thin skin he should not be where he is.

    if he’s “a fool with thin skin” wouldn’t that qualify him to be president ?

  6. dont trust any of them.

  7. FAIR MINDED ATTORNEY? I guess you did not witness his attacks on Bernie Walsh about a parking ticket and Tom Richie about his business with the Village. Fair Minded? NOT

  8. #4, that’s nice of you to say. Actually he was completely out of control. A person secure about being right would simply have responded by saying that everything had been done by the book and let it go.

  9. A fool with thin skin? He claimed, while ranting and raving, that he has broad shoulders and thick skin. And yet he goes wild whenever anyone questions him.

  10. #4. That he is a lawyer does not change the fact that he is an angry man. Speaks before thinking. Lots of nonlawyers shoot their mouths off too.

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