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the fly has learned that the Village of Ridgewood is Harassing Restaurant Owners over Permits

fly on wall

…the fly has learned that Village officials form the building department have been walking around the central business district and threatening all the restaurant owners that they will send the cops over if you don’t have their permit hanging in their place of business . Meanwhile permit processing is very slow and backed up , yet the Village still has time to walk the downtown to badger restaurant owners ?

8 thoughts on “the fly has learned that the Village of Ridgewood is Harassing Restaurant Owners over Permits

  1. Sounds about right

  2. Well maybe the restaurant association should hire a lawyer and push back.

  3. Form
    Check spelling

  4. You heard it right,It’s disgrace how they’re acting during this pandemic instead of acting against us they should be more supportive.

  5. They don’t give a shit about anybody. Nothing new

  6. A few of those lazy lifers in that bldg dept need to be shown the front door

    Useless bunch of arrogant assholes to your face. Hiding behind closed doors since March makes them dangerous

  7. Give these business owners a break! Between the landlords that don’t give a crap about the difficulties they are having to the board that’s making it miserable to get a permit. I guess they prefer to see them go out of business and add to the empty real estate along Ridgewood Ave, which was once a destination town.

  8. “A few of those lazy lifers in that bldg dept need to be shown the front door”

    Under what circumstances can Village employees be fired? It would be better if *all* government jobs were elected positions. This way, we just VOTE them out. Easy…

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