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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, the Ridgewood Art Institute is receiving this week for the members portrait  art show.

Prospective participants are asked to submit up to 3 Portraits framed, wired and ready to hang. Portraits, Self Portraits and Pet Portraits are ALL welcome.

The work should not have been previously shown in an RAI exhibit within the last 5 years. It does not have to be work done in class, but work done from life would be preferred. The full range of mediums will be allowed, ie. oils, watercolors, pastels and/or drawings. No entry fee will be charged for participating in this show.

The show will be judged and 1st-$100, 2nd-$75, and 3rd-$50 prizes will be awarded. As the duration for the exhibit will only be 2 weeks, a reception is not being planned.

The show will be open to visitors during any class time. Please contact Rick Perez for any questions –

12 E Glen Ave, Ridgewood, NJ 07450
Show dates: May 11th – May 25th
Receiving: May 4th -11th
Pick up: May 25th
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