the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, The Ridgewood Board of Education meets on August 29, 2022 at 4:00 pm at the Education Center for an Executive Session and 5:00 pm for a Regular Public Meeting.
Tell your story #TheRidgewoodblog , #Indpendentnews #information #advertise #guestpost #affiliatemarketing ,#NorthJersey #NJ , #News #localnews #bergencounty #nj #sponsoredpost #SponsoredContent #contentplacement #guestposts #linkplacement Email: Onlyonesmallvoice@gmail.com
Click here to view the meeting notice and agenda.
The public can attend the regular public meeting in-person at the Education Center or view, listen and comment during the public comment period of the meeting via Zoom from a PC, Mac, iPAD, iPhone, or Android Device.
- Meeting ID: 870-1302-7741
- Password:82907450
- Use the “raise hand” button to make a comment
- Dial: 646-558-8656
- Meeting ID: 870-1302-7741
- Password: 82907450
- Press *9 to make a comment
The Public can also view by streaming on our District Website or Fios Channel 33.
Will we hear teachers wanting to walk out of the classroom on the first day due to increased healthcare costs at this meeting?
Or because parents will be in control of their kids vs teachers and the school board.