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The Ridgewood BOE was For it before they Were Against it

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Recently, there has been much dialogue on the Board of Education . We find it totally ridiculous that there are some members of the community that feel no need to exercise their right to vote on a $111,000,000 school budget . There is no larger issue facing the future of the Village of Ridgewood then the magnitude of the Ridgewood School budget .They feel instead its best to leave up to bureaucrats who have done virtually everything in their powers to keep the public in the dark as to school spending and issues.

In reading comments, we believe some residents are dangerously misinformed and are missing the history behind the matter. The BOE was UNANIMOUSLY in favor of an April election. They fought AGAINST a November election and requested Council and community support. However, Gov. Christie caused a change which mandated a Nov. election and budget cap (no budget vote) until May 2018. Once that order lifted, many districts started the process of returning to an April election, including Ridgewood. Interesting, the same BOE inexplicably did a 180, and are against all they once fought for. Well informed residents are holding these elected officials accountable.

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