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The Ridgewood educational system


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, In Ridgewood schools, 52-percent of students are male while only 48 percent are female. The minority enrolment is only 28 percent. Ridgewood public schools are a tremendous comprehensive community in public institution district. They are loved because they serve students from kindergarten to twelfth grade in Ridgewood areas in New Jersey. There are 10 schools in the district that actually enrolled 5,772 students in 2014-2015 academic year. The student-teacher ratio is 13:5:1 so sometimes you need to buy custom essays to make up with the workload

The ranking

The Ridgewood high institution was ranked #577 in National Rankings, #24 in New Jersey high schools and they also earned a silver medal for it. This national Rankings are done depending on the performance of institutions on the state-required tests. These tests also look at how well the learners can prepare the students for college.

Ridgewood was classified by the New Jersey Department of education as a District factor group “J” which is also the highest of the eight groupings used. They also organized a District Factor group that allows for a statewide comparison of the socioeconomic characteristics of all the local districts.


All Ridgewood public schools took part in rural projects. Its primary goal was to build schools for Learners in Cambodia where they can overcome challenges and help all people that experienced genocide at the hands of Khmer Rouge in 1970. Most schools participated in this fundraising effort that focused on the strengths of Learners and their talents in different global capacities.

These schools also created a method where Ridgewood and Cambodia students could communicate and take part in globalizing citizenship and distance learning.  Their fundraising efforts also allowed them to create a vegetable garden, water well and full-time cook for schools that would provide them with nutritious meals during breakfast and lunch each day.

These schools also have tests that show Learners who are ready for college. In these tests, they check for proficiency in math and reading. In these tests, most students’ performances are above average. In these scores, only 4% of students do not meet the expectations although 10% partially met expectations in both reading and mathematics. The students graduate and are ready to join colleges in the state. They are fully equipped for the job market too.


One of the things that both students, parents, and teachers love about this institution is that there is a lot of cultural diversity and the “Tradition of Excellence ” . The entire Village of Ridgewood has be organized around the success of Ridgewood public schools . It is often said that the schools are the reason people move here and most residents with or without school age children under stand the value of the Ridgewood public education system .

One thought on “The Ridgewood educational system

  1. Was this written by the REA with the help of their handlers at the NJEA? Sounds like boilerplate B.S. to me. #577 nationally? When it was truly “Excellent” it was top ten nationally. Now that’s just “Tradition” wink wink, nudge nudge. 10% of graduates only “partially met” math & reading proficiency for college. This is a profile that will atttact the best colleges & universities to compete for our students outside of the odd lacrosse star or the statistically insignificant less than 3% of graduates who would have been accepted at an Ivy regardless of whether or not they went to RHS? Very weak for $111 million.

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