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MAY 3, 2023

7:30 P.M.

  1. 7:30 pm – Call to Order – Mayor
  2. Statement of Compliance with Open Public Meeting Act

            Mayor: “Adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by a posting on the bulletin    board in Village Hall, by mail to the Ridgewood NewsThe Record, and by submission      to all persons entitled to same as provided by law of a schedule including the date and          time of this meeting.”

  1. Roll Call – Village Clerk
  2. Flag Salute/Moment of Silence
  3. Public Comments (Not to Exceed 3 Minutes per Person – 40 Minutes in Total)
  4. Manager’s Report
  5. Council Reports
  6. Presentation
  7. Electric Vehicles for Village Departments
  8. Discussion
  9.  Ridgewood Water
  1. Lease of Wireless Telecommunication Antennas – Glen Avenue
  2. Authorize Consent Order with NJDEP for Compliance Schedule
  3. Award Professional Services – Public Communications Consultant
  4. Award Professional Services – Corrosion Control Inhibitor Evaluation
  5. Award Professional Services – Green Acres Consultant
  6. Change Order – PSE&G Energy Saver Program
  1.  Parking – None
  1.  Budget

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  1. Renewal and Upgrade Spatial Data Logic Software
  2. Award Contract – Replacement Waste Receptacles
  3. Award Contract – Infrared Asphalt Surface Repair
  4. Award Cooperative Contract – Parts and Services for Fleet
  5. Award Contract Extension – Police Vehicle Leasing
  6. Kingsbridge Lane Pedestrian Bridge
  1. Policy
  1.       Ridgewood Village Council Citizens’ Guide to Public Comment
  1. Operations
  1.         Rescind ACCESS Resolution
  1. Public Comments (Not to Exceed 5 Minutes per Person)
  2. Closed Session
  3. Legal – Schedler Property
  4. Adjournment


  1. WTF?

    1.            Ridgewood Village Council Citizens’ Guide to Public Comment

    Still attempts at controlling what people say. I’ll be dammed.

    1. Yeah, this is going to be interesting for sure! We may have to publicly comment on the public comments!

  2. Public Communications Consultant.
    Baghdad Bob?

  3. Does this mean that the old man who constantly abuses Lorraine verbally will not be able to do that. One can only hope that will be addresses. Everyone else seems to be able to control themselves.

  4. So the Mayor limits public comments at each meeting to 3 minutes per person at the beginning, even when there is a room packed with residents and even when there is a hot topic, no exceptions. Last week the time clock wasn’t fully operational so some people got extra time to speak (lucky them). But overall is doesn’t seem like a very fair process that you have to wait until the end of the meeting to speak if you are not online early prior to the meeting. Also people on the phone or zoom have been cut off in the past.

  5. Go to The Record (

    It’s the only way to embarrass Pee Wee and his 3 co-conspirators.

    The Record loves to uncover Ridgewood dirt.

  6. What is amazing is that they are going to school residents on how to behave, yet at almost every meeting, the majority of the council is made up of an evil bunch of bullies who are mean to Lorraine, leave her out of important discussions, try their best to embarrass her and bicker in front of the residents, any yet decorum only relates to residents and not how they behave, which is beyond shocking at times.

    1. It is not your job to THINK, the council does the THINKING for you……….

  7. I am amazed that the Village Council doesn’t have sore arms from constantly patting themselves on the back for all of the good deeds that they want you to know about, all the while Greenwashing Ridgewood. For every one good thing that they do, there are probably 10 bad things that they want you to turn a blind eye to. When is everyone going to wake up to the reality of what is going on in our great Village! They can try to fool all of us most of the time in the hopes that we either cannot hear them or will miss key facts, but the reality is they are hurting the residents of this Village with their pet projects and secret agendas. Lorraine is the only one with a heart and a brain. C’mon people!

  8. Just finish the sidewalk job. It’s more important than parks.

  9. I agree 100%, sidewalks and the footbridge should be fixed and they should stop the nonsense with all of the non-safety related projects. But what you don’t understand is that they are 100% laser focused on moving forward with their expensive sports complex and are trying to secure additional funding to move that project forward with all of their might. This VC has been accused on more than once occasion as being truly an OBSESSED and feels is the only thing that matters. They are controlling the narrative and yes, they will listen to residents and pretend that they care, but with the exception of Lorraine Reynolds, they do not give a gosh darn about safety.

  10. Safety should always come first, the promise it always cost money. Isn’t it amazing how are most expensive areas in buildings are secured by security officers .why because it’s cheaper than police

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