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Ridgewood NJ, A petition being submitted by hundreds of independent climate scientists and professionals from numerous countries to heads of the European Council, Commission and Parliament declares “There is No Climate Emergency.”
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Briefly summarized, the request for consideration conveys five urgent messages:
Climate change is real and has been occurring with nature-driven cold and warm cycles for as long as the planet has existed.
There should be no surprise that the Earth has been warming through natural causes since the last Little Ice Age ended around 1870. Actual temperature increases, however, are far less than predicted by theoretical climate models.
There is no real evidence that anthropogenic (human-caused) CO2 emissions are a major or dangerous warming influence. They instead offer great benefits to agriculture, forestry and photosynthesis that is the basis for life.
There is also no scientific evidence that increasing CO2 levels are causing more natural disasters. However, CO2-reduction measures do have devastating impacts on wildlife (e.g. wind turbines), land use (e.g. forest clearance), and vital energy systems.
Energy policies must be based on scientific and economic realities — not upon a harmful and unrealistic “2050-carbon-neutral policy” driven by unfounded climate alarm.
The petition concludes by recommending the recognition of clear difference in policies addressing the Earth’s environment through good stewardship versus Earth’s climate, the latter of which “is largely caused by a complex combination of natural phenomena we cannot control.”
This recent petition to EU leaders signed by approximately 100 Italian scientists from many prominent organizations urges recognition of the same basic realities.
The Italian petition calls attention to the fact that the planet has previously been warmer than the present period, despite lower atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Warming periods have been repeated about every thousand years, including “the well-known Medieval Warm Period, the Hot Roman Period, and generally warm periods during the Optimal Holocene period.”
Most recent climate warming observed since 1850 followed the Little Ice Age – the coldest period of the last 10,000 years. “Since then, solar activity, following its [previous cooling-influence] millennial cycle, has increased by heating the Earth’s surface.”
The notification advises that climate, “the most complex system on our planet,” needs to be addressed with scientific methods that are “adequate and consistent with its level of complexity.”
This system “is not sufficiently understood. And while CO2 is indisputably a greenhouse gas, “according to [UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change] IPCC itself, the climate sensitivity to its increase in the atmosphere is still extremely uncertain.”
The petition states that “In any case, many recent studies based on experimental data estimate that the climate sensitivity to CO2 is considerably lower than estimated by the IPCC models.” Accordingly, all evidence suggests that such models “overestimate the anthropic [human] contribution and underestimate the natural climatic variability, especially that induced by the sun, the moon, and ocean oscillations.”
Likewise, alarmist media claims that extreme weather events, such as hurricanes and cyclones, are increasing in frequency are entirely inaccurate and typically far more directly tied to natural ocean oscillation cycles.
Again, the Italian signatories from numerous universities and research organizations take strong issue against “deplorable propaganda” claiming that carbon dioxide is a pollutant rather than a molecule that is indispensable to life on our planet.
Accordingly, given “the crucial importance that fossil fuels have for the energy supply of humanity,” the petitioners urge that the EU should not adopt economically burdensome and unwarranted CO2 reduction policies under “the illusory pretense of governing the climate.”
The petitioners also emphasize that while credible facts must be based upon scientific methods, not determined by numbers of supporting theorists, there is no alleged “consensus” among specialist in many and varied climate disciplines suggesting that human-influenced climate change presents an imminent danger. They point out that many thousands of scientists have previously expressed dissent with alarmist ant- fossil energy conjecture.
More than 31,000 American scientists from diverse climate-related disciplines signed a Global Warming Petition Project rejecting limits on greenhouse gas emissions attached to the 1977 Kyoto Protocol and similar proposals. The list of signatories included 9,021 Ph.D.s, 6,961 at the master’s level, 2,240 medical doctors, and 12,850 carrying a bachelor of science or equivalent academic degree.
A 12-page petition attachment was introduced with a cover letter issued by Fredrick Seitz, a past president of the National Academy of Sciences and former president of Rockefeller University. It read, in part:
“This treaty is, in our opinion, based upon flawed ideas. Research data on climate change do not show that human use of hydrocarbons is harmful. To the contrary, there is good evidence that increased atmospheric carbon dioxide is environmentally helpful.”
The letter added, “The proposed agreement would have very negative effects upon the technology of nations around the world, especially those that are currently attempting to lift from poverty and provide opportunities to over 4 billion people in technologically undeveloped countries.”
Gratefully, an American Congress at that time listened to that sage advice and unanimously agreed. We can only fervently hope that more current legislators will continue to be equally wise.
Some things I find very unbelievable about all this climate emergency stuff doing the daily rounds right now:
1. It suddenly developed into this emergency following the election of DT.
2. Al Gore purchased ocean-front property.
3. Obama just purchased ocean-front property.
Climate change is real. It doesn’t matter if it is cyclical, man made or a curse from the gods. We have to deal with it and act accordingly. Part of the scientific theory is anecdotal and observational. We know what causes smog. We know the results of burning fossil fuels. We know what deforestation does and we know that regulations work. NYC is a prime example. Trump is the first president who is systematically attacking the EPA and regulations that we know work. Example: auto emission standards. Climate change is altering our earth and Donald Trump is altering how good government works by his constant attacks on his own agencies.
what happened to the dinosaurs?
Commander in chief’s position on climate change is very clear: the developing world is not going to stop developing because of environmental concerns. They will choose cheapest energy they can get. If we in the developed world use the power of our governments to suppress cheap energy at home, we’ll be positioning our economies for a massive disadvantage.
If tomorrow science invents cold fusion /alternative to fossil fuels, the US will be 1st to pivot. But this is not the case.
Hypothetically we can “lead the way” by setting example to the world through conservation and austerity (i.e. move away from fossil fuels). This is a current liberal position. But as with everything liberals propose, this only sounds good. Implementing such policy won’t work. Consider how much fossil fuels power now!
Trumps position is currently the only feasible one and a sane one. It’s not an ideal position, but alternatives are much much worse. If you don’t believe me, take a trip to China, India, Indonesia or Nigeria. Locals would laugh at your liberal western sensibilities.
So let’s not be shmucks, ladies and gents. This is a competitive world inhabited by humans vast majority of whom don’t share your upper middle class priorities. We gotta act as such.
And consider who’s peddling climate alarmist views. Scientific community is already shifting away from dire predictions. This is a yesterday’s scare. Only ppl who push this stuff on us are those who would benefit: gov’t officials making 7 figure income of regs, corporations that benefit from “going green” policies, but don’t pay the price for not, nuz that sell scary stories, and socialists who want power to make your life savings – theirs. If that doesn’t make you suspicious, I wonder what would.
Gore and Obama can afford to enjoy it now and dump it later. Not a good indication of anything.
We, a group of retired and highly experienced engineers and scientists from the Apollo, Skylab, Space Shuttle and International Space Station eras, have volunteered our time and effort conducting an objective, independent assessment of the AGW alarm and reality of the actual threat. We have reviewed hundreds of reports and technical papers relevant to the subject matter, and discussed key issues with experts on both sides of this controversy.
During our pioneering years in the US manned space program, scientific controversy over complex technical issues was commonplace at numerous times when NASA needed to make critical spacecraft design and operational decisions affecting safety of astronauts. We have unique skills and experience in problem identification, specification, root cause analysis and rational decision-making applicable to public policy decisions related to the AGW concern.
We have produced reports which, in our judgment, provide a more realistic projection of the maximum expected earth surface temperature rise over the next 150 years from rising atmospheric GHG levels. We believe that these more realistic projections do not justify the extent to which the UN and others propose to manipulate and likely devastate the various major economies of the world through mandating drastic reductions in the use of fossil fuels.
The Mainstream media and the Left are making themselves ill over their daily Trump-Is-Evil deliveries. It’s remarkable how my seemingly bright and intelligent friends are so invested in this. The world is in good shape. All Trump is doing is making these so-called allies of ours pay their fair share of the democratic nations club. They have been riding our coat-tails for way too long. This sudden dire climate emergency is bullshit and nothing more than the usual money grab by those who stand to gain from massive governmental investment. It’s farcical to watch how we went from the Obama years where we were looking at ways of making things better, to now, where we appear to facing facing imminent extinction.
Regardless of which end of the political spectrum you occupy, shouldn’t we all agree that we should try to pollute the air less? Is anyone out there actually pro-pollution? Seems that as soon as you utter the phrase “climate change” everyone retreats to their corner and starts calling the other side names. I vote we retire the phrase and move forward with a little common sense.
plant a tree
CO2 is not a pollutant. How can we come together when we can’t agree on this basic fact? Luckily we agree on everything else: yes more car exhaust is bad, more chemicals in the air is bad, less trees is bad. But this is not what climate alarmists dispute. Their agenda is strictly CO2 reduction. Why? Because that’s where the money is.
Planting trees is great. But….
” This land is your land; this land is my land….da da da da (I’m tryin to sing the song.)
This land and I am mean millions of forest and woods around the earth, is owned and operated (including in this country the great U.S.A. U.S A. !!!) Millions of acres are owned and operated by people who chop those trees down for all kinds of reasons. Could be for ball fields, housing developments, business developments, great big parking lots , great big malls; farms to raise all sorts of stuff , cattle farms for example…. chopping down trees for pipelines. You get the idea.
I ain’t no expert. But everything I know about life I learned in kindergarten. And one thing I was taught is that mankind so far, so far I repeat, cannot exist without a huge abundance of trees, because of all the life giving necessities trees provide to mankind. ( What’s that poem…. Have you ever seen anything as beautiful as a tree or somethin) Well, the point is , and I could be wrong, many climate scientists, like em or hate em , believe them or don’t. They are sayin the way things are goin there won’t be enough trees to support human life in say 10 , 30 or 50 years. Dependin on where in the world you live.
Now, look, I hope that some business techy guy can come up with a substitute for trees, and I am sure they are tryin, but until then I am worried. I am also worried about the number of trees around the globe that are being destroyed be insects that start appearin when the climate warms more than usual and kills the trees. And yes pollution from cars and fossil fuel power plants ; you see that dark stuff on the highway in some places in this state and makes areas warmer and pollutes the air. That affects tree growth. Trees are living things. I know they seem inanimate; but accordin to the experts they are alive and need certain conditions for growth and survival, conditions that humans can and are destroyin. Now, Dr. Jane Goodall said recently that the human species is the only species that is not necessary for all the other plants and animals on earth to live. Dr. Goodall said she hopes and keeps trying to educate people on the importance of being a good steward of the earth. Readin her is interestin. There’s also some good movies about her and her work in the Ridgewood library as well as her books.
Climate Change is a fraud.
Al Gore is smarter than his reputation. He leveraged a fringe kook theory into a multi-billion dollar empire and amassed massive political clout.