Inderpreet Sachar MD (from the Borough of Glen Rock Website )
Glen Rock NJ, Tick borne illnesses are very common in the United states especially in the north eastern region. Ticks could be a vector for the spread of various infections at different stages of growth.
The common types of ticks found on the eastern coast of US are American dog tick, black-legged tick (also known as deer tick), lone star tick, and Gulf Coast tick. The common diseases spread by tick bites are Lyme disease, Babesiosis, Anaplasmosis, Ehrlichiosis, Tularemia, and Rocky Mountain spotted fever.
Ticks have four stages of lifecycle. Egg, larva, nymph, and adult. The adult is the easiest to be recognized and removed. A tick attaches to the host skin and survives by sucking the host’s ( animal or human) blood. After feeding, the tick would drop off and find the next host for the next stage of the life cycle, in the process, transmitting the blood pathogen from one host to the other.
The symptoms of tick borne illnesses may vary from fever, chills, rash, and joint pains to cardiac and neurological manifestations, depending on the type of pathogen they transmit. The most common tick borne illness on the north eastern coast of US is the Lyme disease.
Prevention of tick bites is possible. Its important to understand that ticks are usually found in grassy, wooded areas. Avoid walking through high grass and leaf litter and walk in the center of the trail.
Apply tick repellents (like DEET) to the skin prior to entering tick habitats. Wear insecticide or repellent treated long legged, long sleeve clothing.
Ticks can ride on clothing and pets and get into the house. Examine yourself and the pets thoroughly especially after spending time outdoors (e.g., in the backyard, in wooded areas, or trail hiking).
Taking a shower within 2 hours of a tick exposure has been shown to reduce the risk of getting tick borne diseases. This is a good opportunity to examine one’s body and for the unattached ticks to be washed off. The clothing and the gear should be treated with products containing 0.5% Permethrin .
If there is a tick attached to the skin, it can be removed with fine tipped tweezers. The tweezer should be pointed close to the skin surface and then pulled after grasping the tick with even steady pressure. There should be no jerking or twisting as it may cause the mouth parts to break and remain on the skin.
If one develops a fever or rash within weeks of a tick bite, medical care must be started early, in order to avoid any long term complications.
Everyone Mask Up.
Tick Pandemic.