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Town Garage site in Ridgewood and the village owned property in that area still a DEP declared it a remediation site


February 4,2016
the Staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood Nj , Reader offers a little recap . Seems that most of the neighbors are accepting the fact that the Health Barn is coming and as long as they get some concessions as to signage, sidewalks, lights and that tithe village is maintaining close control it is the best they can do.

Another issue has popped up regarding the Town Garage site and the village owned property in that area.  The DEP declared it a remediation site 10 years ago.  Nothing has been done and their is an underground water stream running through the property that is compromised by seepage from the hydraulic and diesel fuel tanks still buried there,  The village spent 35,000 dollars to identify what needed to be done several years ago and I have not heard a thing until last weeks meeting at the very end where the council discussed briefly the abandoned property ordinance, eminent domain and the fact that there is a toxic flume at the site which is adding to the contamination and needs monitoring so as to minimize the effect on the water and I believe wells were mentioned.  I have more information which I will forward to you.  Saw in old minutes where Keith Killion and Pat Mancuso saw the need to clean the site and put a garage there.  It is so much more centrally located and would be used by employees, shoppers ,diners as well as commuters more readily than HUdson Street.

So wish we would clean the site and have two smaller decks at both sites. Currently the Town Garage site owners are current on taxes but have done nothing else and Matt Rogers was asked to look into the abandoned property ordinance.  If we gained ownership of that property, it would give the town so many more options as to the best use of the property.  I think Kennsington is almost out of the picture.  Assisted living facilities are so expensive for the client and those people who would reside there are not the shoppers and diners.   55 and older might be a good fit and those people would bring business to the town.

8 thoughts on “Town Garage site in Ridgewood and the village owned property in that area still a DEP declared it a remediation site

  1. Hope everyone his happy now.

  2. Sounds like a reasonable plan, but i believe the train has left the station.

  3. Thank you ,James for posting this and for the picture. Bad enough that it looks abandoned and is a waste of good property in the business district but now we know that it is also a toxic site doing harm.

  4. The reason the area has not been clean and a garage was not put there is because it does benefit the few people who backed the three Amigos during there election. You all know the Chamber of Commerce players that want the garage at Hudson St site. Or as Big al the Developers Friend has said That the financial center of ridgewood. Don’t write the Walnut Street lot of because if the 2 Amigos and a player to be named at t a later day get in you will have another 12 million dollar garage put there so our taxes will pay for 2 garage.

  5. Ben & Jerry’s must love the toxic plume emanating from they waste dump next door… downtown Ridgewood really has been in secular decline for decades

  6. 1:47pm what does secular have to do with this?

  7. Haha you think this is the only toxic site in Ridgewood? Chestnut St., under the old Lenny’s Pizza is one too. Don’t believe me, go look at all the PVC pipes that run out of the back of the building. Before you and me arrived in the Village, a dry cleaner did a number on the site. This is just one more of many.

  8. Because we use well water, underground contamination is a bigger issue than in places where it is all piped in.

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