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liberate NJ

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Old Bridger Township NJ, Mayor Henry stated that “The Township and the Local Business Owners recognize that small businesses are the not only the backbone of our community and drive the local economy, but they are equally important to the nation’s economy.”

Continuing, Mayor Henry noted, “The local business community provides access to and delivers essential services to our residents. Unfortunately, and without any consideration to the rights guaranteed by United States and New Jersey Constitution, businesses were abruptly closed and improperly deemed non-essential by Governor Murphy. His tyrannical behavior has resulted in an uncertain and difficult future for these businesses and their employees.” Mayor Henry further commented “These short sighted and imprudent actions, coupled with the resulting reduction in the State’s and Township’s ordinary revenue sources caused by the current economic climate induced by the Governor’s actions left the Township and its business community with very few options.”

In an effort to support and assist local businesses, Mayor Henry announced that the Township has established a Business Advisory Committee led by the Township’s Office of Economic Development that will be working directly with the Old Bridge Township business community.

Mayor Henry stated, “We are certain a safe, efficient and productive reopening can and should be allowed by modifying the Governor’s oppressive and unconstitutional ‘orders’ that permits all businesses to immediately reopen. A well-orchestrated and executed process that will necessarily include the many impacted businesses can be implemented to allow people to restore their livelihood and right to work.”

Acknowledging that the new method of operations may differ from prior norms, Mayor Henry is confident in the business owners’ ability to implement, post and abide by reasonable guidelines that may be suggested by the CDC and others regarding specific businesses wishing to reopen. “All business owners realize these new MOs will impact their operations and alter consumer behavior. Working with our business owners and sharing best practices and taking prudent safeguards will assure the ability to open in a safe and reasonable manor,” said Mayor Henry.

In commenting on the true role of elected officials, Mayor Henry noted, “The forced closures are presenting business owners with an unprecedented and unfair burden. They need help now and it needs to come quickly. The community along with the business owners need the support of their elected officials now more than ever.”

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