the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Trenton NJ, Donald J. Trump for President, Inc., along with the Republican National Committee and the New Jersey Republican Party, filed suit Tuesday night to invalidate Governor Phil Murphy’s Executive Order 177. This unconstitutional order violates New Jerseyans’ 14th Amendment right to vote, as well as the Elections Clause and the Electors Clause of the U.S. Constitution. The unlawful power grab by New Jersey Democrats has demonstrably opened the state’s election system up to fraud and will lead to the disenfranchisement of New Jersey voters. In defense of free and fair elections, the Trump Campaign cannot allow for Democrat party bosses to undermine the integrity of our democracy.
The lawsuit states: “In a direct usurpation of the legislature’s authority, Governor Murphy issued Executive Order 177 purporting to rewrite the election code for the November 2020 election. This brazen power grab was not authorized by state law and violates both the Elections Clause and Electors Clause of the U.S. Constitution and 3 U.S.C. §1.”
Matt Morgan, Trump 2020 General Counsel: “Across the country, the Democrat Party is launching an alarming assault on the safety and security of our elections. In the state of New Jersey, where their universal vote-by-mail system has already resulted in fraud and disenfranchisement, Governor Murphy continues to remove safeguards against abuse. With a stroke of his pen, the governor told his people their votes may not count – they may even be stolen – and that’s fine by him. Despite constant attacks on our election system, President Trump and the Trump Campaign will continue to defend our democracy.”
Ronna McDaniel, Chairwoman of the Republican National Committee: “Governor Murphy’s executive order is not only an abuse of power, but a recipe for disaster. In New Jersey’s primary election, dead people voted, a mail truck carrying ballots actually caught fire, countless voters saw their ballots rejected, and the Democrat Attorney General is prosecuting multiple people for fraud, yet Democrats still want to implement a rushed transition to an all mail election. This decision will sow chaos and risk disenfranchising New Jersey voters.”
New Jersey’s universal vote-by-mail system is unconstitutional:
Executive Order 177 violates New Jerseyans’ 14th Amendment right to vote, as well as the Elections Clause and the Electors Clause of the U.S. Constitution.
The order treats in-person voting – the most secure voting method – as second class by deeming every in-person ballot cast as merely a provisional ballot.
This is a clear admission that New Jersey’s election infrastructure cannot handle universal vote-by-mail.
New Jersey’s universal vote-by-mail system is ripe for fraud:
New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy called the state’s transition to universal vote-by-mail “overwhelmingly a success,” and quipped that New Jersey has “a higher probability of being hit by lightning than we do uncovering voter fraud.”
If he’s right about the odds, citizens of New Jersey should take shelter—they’re about to get struck by lightning.
A 2016 investigation found 2,460 active voters on the state’s voter rolls who had been dead for at least five years, including nearly sixty who had cast ballots after their death.
Under the New Jersey governor’s new order, all active registered voters – including the dead – would be sent ballots.
Fraudsters in New Jersey have already been caught bribing voters with cash for their mail-in ballots.
For New Jersey’s May primary, Governor Murphy shut down every polling place and embraced universal vote-by-mail.
10% of mail-in ballots were rejected, disenfranchising voters.
In Paterson New Jersey, there was evidence of massive voter fraud:
Nearly 900 completed ballots were mailed in bulk.
Many people listed as having voted say they never received a ballot.
Fraudsters conspired to steal ballots.
To read our full complaint, click here.
It’s going to be impossible to staff the polls because of the virus. It’s safer for people to vote from home. Widespread voter fraud is a lie. And in the rare cases it does occur like recently in Paterson, it is caught and dealt with. Trying to stop mail in voting is a recipe for disaster.
Bob, what hole do you live in? Come out and look around. Shopping centers are full. So are parks, beaches, etc. sports came back. Kids playing together. It’s safer to vote from home? No, it’s far safer to ensure transition of power in the world’s greatest democracy proceeds with full confidence of the American population. Compromising that confidence is far more dangerous than showing up at a voting booth, wearing a mask and gloves, for 3 minutes.
Be smart, don’t give your ballot to a person to deliver. End of fraud in Paterson..0005%.
People who are afraid, elderly, sick have a right to an absentee ballot. I have a right to go to a polling station and cast my vote, by machine in person!! I’m sure there are plenty of out of work people willing to go and work the polls..this is just another step in the plan by democrats to create chaos and unrest in this country!!
Bob, I want to feel like my vote stood for something and not invalidated because of the actions of even one fraudulent vote. Fauci himself recently stated that he intends to vote in the traditional way and as long as people use the safe precautions as they should be doing everywhere else, it’s no more dangerous than getting food at a supermarket. You probably didn’t catch his statement because the mainstream media didn’t run it. They didn’t run it because they are doing their absolute utmost to push the false narrative that Trump is rigging the election by dismantling the USPS.
I agree with Bob on only one thing. The old people who staff the desks at RW voting centers should NOT be there. They are at very high risk due to their age and any medical conditions. BUT with all the $$$ we pay through taxes and current state of technology it should be possible to have minimum staff present and only up to a certain age. Every time I have voted at Travell I have never seen more than 3-4 voters inside but I have seen about 10 or more staff people mostly elderly manning the desks with old fashioned paper books. Install a few iPads with ID scanners and let people check in automatically.
In any case voting in person is safe with everyone on masks, much safer than browsing food market isles or entering any other store.
I want my cote counted in person. Period.
Baloney. They’re afraid of too many people voting.
I want to vote in person.
Murphy stinks and is a crook be impeach him