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Trump Rally Economic Boom for Wildwood

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by Jim Arakelian

Wildwood NJ, The unintended consequences of the Trump rally that you won’t hear in the liberal New Jersey media.

The restaurant I went to on both Monday and Tuesday was ecstatic about the rally. The owner was wearing a Trump pin and said she was a Trump supporter and even more so now after this week. The restaurant was packed solid for two nights and brought a much needed “shot in the arm” during the winter dull-drums. The waitstaff couldn’t be happier. Many hotels also were booked solid. A boom to Wildwoods Economy at a time they need it most.

“Officials agreed, the rally brought a small taste of the summer tourism season to the city, where crews clean up the garbage left behind by tourists on the boardwalk and the beach daily.  It’s part of being a tourist destination.   One reason there was trash left in the parking lot was because the city did not provide trash cans in the lines where the thousands of supporters lined up for days to get in.   Some sources say this was due to the secret service’s security plan.

It was just a few years ago in Seaside Park, another New Jersey beachfront destination where a Muslim terrorist exploded a bomb inside a garbage can along the route of a Marine Corps Veterans 5k run on the boardwalk. Luckily, that bomb exploded prematurely and nobody was injured.”

6 thoughts on “Trump Rally Economic Boom for Wildwood

  1. That’s amazing news for that area at this time of the year. Usually it’s dead. Trump needs to go to a bigger facility, think about 20,000 people were turned away, he just may fill up Madison Square Garden.

  2. He could fill Giants Stadium.

  3. Making NJ Great Again
    (a very tall order indeed)

  4. Trump loves to throw the biggest rally possible. Sadly, he refuses to pay one red cent toward the costs of setting up and cleaning up or towards the massive police overtime he requires. What he does with his campaign money–maybe the same he did with his “charitable fund”– is unknown. But he continually leaves blown city budgets behind him. He obviously views it as a “privilege to host him and the local taxpayers must pay for the privilege to see or hear him personally. Strangely, all other candidates pay their costs but Trump has not paid for one in all of his years campaigning.

    1. nice try , but reread the article you will figure it out

  5. From Press of Atlantic City
    “ Wildwood Mayor Pete Byron said Thursday that while the rally was a boost for the city, it will be at least a month before the full costs are known.”
    “ Byron said any promoter who comes to the city to put on an event is required by ordinance to at a minimum pay for any extra police, fire, emergency management and city workers needed.

    “Those are the typical pass-through costs any promoter has to pay for,” Bryon said. Once the city has good numbers for those costs, it will first approach the Cape May County GOP organization for assistance, he said.”

    Time will tell

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