By Charles Stampul
A tree is cut down and delivered to Ridgewood every year to be decorated with lights then discarded. Yet there was a tree of the same look and variety, only taller standing naturally just a few blocks away on the corner of South Maple and Gilbert. This perhaps the oldest and tallest tree in Ridgewood is now gone. It was removed with some other trees on the vacant lot last week.
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What a shame. The rotting telephone poles ready to topple make it look even worse.
Such Antiquated thinking to keep cutting down trees instead of placing one there that can grow and whose beauty can be enhanced at the holidays. That is smart thinking. That is Green Ridgewood, not all of this other phony baloney BS marketing plays that Mortimer comes up with related to Bees, Winograd with trees, etc. What Ridgewood needs are real leaders and not this bunch of vested interest people pleasers.
so why did you vote for these clowns ?
I did not. We need better people to run and it was too bad that Hyun Ju did not get a seat on the council. She would have been a tremendous asset to all of the things that Ridgewood is dealing with.
Problem? The democrats run Ridgewood!
This is such nonsense talk about poor planning, if the tree needed to be taken down how come they didn’t take it down for the Christmas tree in the CBD so stupid what do you think? They just found this out that this tree should come down in the past two weeks bullshit
Rurik ?
Excuse me thumbs down, this tree could’ve been cut down in early December and utilized at the tree lighting. It’s amazing how much the Christmas tree uptown has got so political. On who’s donating it, who is transporting it setting it up taking it down enough for the bullshit
So stop politicizing it. It’s February and you’re still finding new excuses to complain about the tree. Next month you’ll see a cloud in the sky that looks a little bit like a tree and you’ll be back here crying about it.
You know what that vacant lot needs now? A nice big banner advertising Downes. And you know where you can put that precious thumb of yours.
The contrasting pictures are pretty sad. The latest looks like a tornado hit.
cut down ever tree and blame it on ‘climate change”
I have an oak tree that is taller than the one shown
Drove by other day, that corner lot is cleared out. What’s going to be developed there? housing or apartments?
The Vagianos Athletic Complex.
Shade tree commission posted on FB about a murphy grant about innovation ideas on energy on a local level. This is tax payer money abuse. The commission is asking residents for ideas and a genius suggested installing solar panels on garage roofs. Someone else will suggest cutting trees to install solar farms. Use $ for the betterment of quality of life you schmucks not for some stupid ugly experiments that provide nothing beneficial for residents. Thank God for Trump!
For God’s sake. It’s a TREE. All you people do is COMPLAIN??