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Tub grinder “system” jointly owned by Glen Rock and Ridgewood has been Out of Service Since July 2017

tub grinder

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February 12,2018

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Glen Rock and Ridgewood share use of a tub grinder. We have heard that the tub grinder has been broken for quite some time now and Ridgewood is responsible for fixing it.

Our source has informed us that the tub grinder “system” is jointly owned by Glen Rock and Ridgewood. Glen Rock owns the tractor and Ridgewood owns the trailer (the tub grinder itself). The “system” can be transported back and forth between Glen Rock’s composting location and Ridgewood’s composting location.

The trailer (tub grinder apparatus) hasn’t been functioning properly since July of 2017. Several attempts were made to fix the device, but no fix lasted for any significant length of time. As of now, it’s out of service, that’s why an outside contractor was called in to grind leaves. Collected leaves can’t sit until the machine is back in service because the NJDEP has rules that limit the time collected leaves can remain in place prior to processing.

Our source also indicated that in all likelihood, the tub grinder is beyond repair and will need to be replaced by a new machine. No bid specifications have yet been advertised for a replacement.


6 thoughts on “Tub grinder “system” jointly owned by Glen Rock and Ridgewood has been Out of Service Since July 2017

  1. Ouch. Sounds ‘expensivo’…

  2. But we are going to WIFI in Van Neste Park. Im glad the this council has its priorities in place

  3. Someone hade to make this decision To stop this I would think so right. What is the normal protocol on such a big item like this.

  4. Well we the taxpayers of glenrock Are upset .

  5. How old is that piece of equipment ,

  6. This is what happens when you hire young man to do a man’s job. Immature that’s the problem.

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