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Twp. of Washington Police Department : Van Emburgh Avenue Paving Announcement

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Twp. of Washington NJ, The Township of Washington Police Department would like to advise all motorists that Van Emburgh Avenue is scheduled to be paved by the County of Bergen this week. Van Emburgh Avenue is set to be paved from the Hillsdale Border to the Ridgewood Border. The project is expected to take 2 days, Wednesday September 18th and Thursday September 19th between the hours of 7:00am and 4:00pm. Information on the projected scope of work for each day is listed below. Additional notifications to follow.

Wednesday September 18, 2024 from approximately 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM.  Van Emburgh Avenue will be from Washington Avenue, Southbound towards IHA.  The road will be impassable, and any and all access will have to be from South of IHA (Hampshire Rd / East Glen Avenue Area)

Thursday September 19, 2024 from approximately 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM.  Van Emburgh Avenue will be from Washington Avenue, Northbound to Wearimus Road.  The road will be impassable, and any and all access will have to be from Wearimus Road.

* While work is conducted in the area, vehicle traffic may be limited or completely restricted while hot asphalt cools. Area residents, along with students and staff of Immaculate Heart Academy will be able to seek assistance from Police Officers who will be present in the area of the work zone*


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