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Uber Adds Surcharge to Cover Surging Gas Prices

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, the ride share company Uber is adding a surcharge on fares and deliveries in the U.S. and Canada in response to surging gas prices, the company said on Friday.

Riders taking Uber trips will pay a fee of $0.45 to $0.55 per trip, and Uber Eats deliveries will include a $0.35 to $0.45 surcharge, the company said. The fees are temporary and will last for at least two months.

The company said that the fees will go to drivers, who are responsible for paying for gas they use. The surcharges can vary based on trip distance and gas prices in each state. They won’t apply in New York City because drivers already received a 5.3% pay increase on March 1, accounting for the increase in gas costs, Uber said

One thought on “Uber Adds Surcharge to Cover Surging Gas Prices

  1. Remember when Uber REDUCED fares when gas was cheap during the Trump administration?

    Oh right… they didn’t

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