Valley Expansion Supporters Resort to Fear mongering
Fake Valley Supporter attempts to post erroneous information , pretending Valley is in “secret ” negations with a private prison .
And supports of the Vlley Expansion wonder why people have no respect for Valley
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Submitted on 2014/04/21 at 4:00 pm
#8, Think you are unhappy with Valley now….You are going to be more unhappy if the secret talks with results in Valley selling their Ridgewood Property.
Ridiculous. On a more relevant note,
What happened to that big old house that was torn down at Linwood and Paramus Road?
(insert Valley rumor here).
The same threat/scare tactic Charlie Collins used to try to get the subdivision on Ridgewood Ave. throught the Plannin Board. . . . “Would you rather have two residences or two drug halfway houses” . . . “would you rather have an expanded Valley or a prison”.
We need to keep the dialogue in the realm of reality.
#3 The reality is that Valley has yet to offer a single reason why its proposed expansion is good for anyone but Valley. It’s time to end this ridiculous process and move on.
That is just terrible. New to me. They will stop at nothing!
Would you rather have the blue car or the green one? (salesman talk)
The “H” zone will become a “P” zone?
The old home on Paramus Road is owned by the school next door. It is a special education school for students with autism. They are planning to extend their program to students who would normally age out of services.