the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, the staff of The Ridgewood Blog has learned that the Village Council Nomination Packets for the November 2024 election were available to any interested applicants as of June 4. In previous years the availability of the Nomination Packets was always announced at every single Village Council meeting.
Thus far there has been zero mention of this at any Council meeting. Information about the availability of Nomination Packets is notably absent on the Village Manager’s Facebook page, even though items like National Donut Day are posted there. One wonders if Mayor Paul Vagianos, who received his Nomination Packet and has already held multiple campaign fundraisers, is trying to keep this quiet in order to avoid competition.
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I’m betting 20 bucks that they blame The Village clerks office for messing this up.
Vagianos is worried. As he should be. He is likely to be voted out in November. So he is manipulating as best as he can.
It’s a blessing..
With class action lawsuits around contaminated soil issues, who in their right mind wants to be put in the middle of that mess.
They just posted it to the village website. 30+ days after the process kicked off
Election interference?
Hmm. Starting to look like Woodland Park council bs.
There is no mess up….just a coordinated effort to avoid other potential candidates who might be more competent (read: everyone). Just a sleazy local politician who cares only about himself and those on their knees in front of him.
PFAS Paulie and his loyal band of idiots need to get voted out. Pam is probably not going to be around very long and what will the 2 bobble head bozos Winograde and Weitz do with out their fearless leader around to tell them how to vote. It is very sad and it is hurting the village. We need to rid Ridgewood of the toxic energy that these people bring about.
Honesty is not their policy. They talk about transparency and communication however nothing is ever transparent and most things are swept under the rug until they are ready to address it, which is normally way later than it should be, as is the case here as June 4 is over a month now.
Village Mgr is in charge and needs to stop hiding behind the village clerk, town employees, etc for his decisions or lack of
Mayor and Village Manger plato to run uncontested.
They don’t want anyone else to run. He who controls the message controls the masses.
This dirty bunch of bad actors needs to add Mortimer to their shit stew because Paul Vagianos will do anything he can to stay in power and needs to add more sheep to his flock so that he can get everyone to vote unanimously.
If we could rid Ridgewood of Paul Vagianos the other bobble headed morons would lack direction. We need a strong leader, not Paul. Someone who doesn’t have vested interests like the CBD and sports fields, and can remain impartial and actually has a clue of how to be a Mayor and ensure residents feel a connection to someone who is advocating for their best interests. It is a shitshow Vagianos cannot in any way be impartial. He is always looking for his next dollar but his well is going to run dry one of these days and when it does, many people are going to laugh. He lost the last race he ran in for Assembly, he might be even less politically connected than Kamark, who probably also wants to run for something. These are short sited invididuals who care about their own interests but use tax dollars to advance them.
Please do not forget Vagianos great plan to furlough village employees and then thankfully most of the village staff came to the meeting and Paul crapped in his pants and miraculously funds materialized and no furlough was needed. thats what a little creative thinking and a change of underwear can do. Ah good times.
Bring back mayor Susan
this is insane.
Why don’t one of you constant complainers run?